40+ Screen Free Activities to Do at Home Indoors & Outdoors
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After seeing literally zillions of posts being shared yesterday with free educational resources for homeschooling, I realized that NOWHERE did I see screen free activities to do at home! Everything was electronically based.
Being stuck at home does not equate being stuck on electronics! (although there are thankfully a flood of FREE educational resources out there right now!)
Since I have the luxury of working from home (even though my kids will be home for at least a few weeks!) the last thing I wanted to do was have my kids sit on electronics all day – EVEN if it was educational.
Please please please don’t forget to get out of your chair and off the couch and go outside! Don’t mind cooler temperatures or rain if you’re in the northern half of the USA, bundle up and enjoy as much sun as you can soak up!
Below are some great things you can do as a family or individually that are screen free and will keep you away from crowds and people during their extra time at home.
For some reason it seemed like being stuck at home immediately meant living on our computers, phones, and TVs but it should be the opposite! Whether or not your family has been financially affected or are stressed, be grateful for the time you have together. Enjoy sitting outdoors.
Start on that “to do” list you said you never have time for. Find something useful and beneficial to do every single day until schedules resume in routine!
Note – I know there are many state parks and areas that are closed down. Check your local forest preserves or sports fields that may still be available to use! Many of these ideas can be down in your own yard and they can all be done without meeting other people!
Things to do Outdoors:
Fly a kite.
Plant a garden.
Build a fort.
Create sun print art.
Look for bugs and identify them!
Make these giant bubbles.
Give your driveway or sidewalk a chalk art makeover.
Make tracks in the sand table.
Make mud cakes.
Learn how to whittle wood.
Go geocaching!
Go fishing!
Print these free identification cards and search for animal tracks.
Go mushroom hunting and try to identify what you find!
Go biking or hiking in your neighborhood or on a local trail!
Play frisbee, baseball, soccer, golf or basketball!
Teach your kids how to change a flat tire!
Teach your kids how to change the oil!
Gather cardboard boxes and create a maze!
Create a simple slingshot.
Things to do Indoors:
Build a fort with pillows and chairs!
Design your own sun catchers!
Make leaf rubbings.
Graph the weather and create this sand art math project!
Do science experiments.
Build a recycled can robot.
Make your own jewelry gifts!
Learn how to crochet or sew!
Create your own binoculars then look for birds and animals!
Play board games together! (Check out some that we’ve posted about or buy a new one here!)
Start (and finish!) a puzzle.
Record yourself reading a book for someone else to enjoy as an audiobook!
Put on a puppet play with your kids and Facetime it for your grandparents!
Learn how to and practice soldering skills or wood burning!
Curl up and read that book you’ve never started!
Paint a mural or banner for your house together!
Cook dinner together or bake! Let a different child help each meal!
Build a birdhouse and a boat out of sticks.
Create an indoor race track for cars!
Create a paper body art design!
If you have been enjoying something else fun at home leave a comment below and let us know about it!Â
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