How to Make DIY NO Sew Fall Felt Play Toys

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Fall No Sew Felt Play

Having kids really pushed my creativity to new levels and I have so much fun creating new things for them each month! The great thing about it is that the projects don’t have to be complicated or perfect! No special skills are needed!

This month we have featured some no sew felt toys that I think came out amazing if I do say so myself! I have absolutely no use for them but I love them all the same! Although I actually might turn these into a beautiful fall garland when the kids are done playing with them!

felt fall leaves

Materials Needed:

  • felt of any color
  • cotton batting (or polyfill if you want it weighted)
  • hot glue

Cut out any shape you want. You can use a printable template you find online, a die cut machine, or any other type of device you happen to have. If you don’t have anything don’t worry! You can free-hand cut out your own design or just printable coloring pages as a base template.

felt fall food

Once you’ve decided what shape(s) or theme(s) you want you will need to cut out TWO of each one. I like to keep mine simple so I usually just use one color but as you can see above, sometimes I’m in the mood to glue an extra color of felt scraps on to make the items look more realistic.

Once you’ve gotten two of the same shaped felt pieces cut out, begin by placing them on top of each other in a stack. Then lift up the corner of one section and add a dab of hot glue in between the two pieces near an edge. Work a little bit at a time alternating between hot glueing the inside edges and stuffing with small amounts of cotton batting.

If you are using polyfill to give weight to your shapes, I recommend hot glueing all of the inside edges except for a small unglued area at the top to pour in your polyfill. You can do the same with your cotton batting if you want.

felt fall play

If the object is too small (like the corn), too slim (like the tree trunk), or has too many details (like the scarecrow), I just opt for glueing felt on felt to make it sturdier and skip any filling at all.

After I completed the felt toy pieces I pretty much wanted to design all things felt! They are SO SO SO easy to make! We’ve made play money, dolls, pies, and all sorts of things using no sew felt toys!

You can use a similar method to create decorative garland for celebrating seasons, to wrap around a tree, etc.!

If you know how to sew you have a lot more options with design!

Or click on the images below to see some of our other FELT NO SEW tutorials!

No Sew Felt Money Pretend PlayNo Sew Felt Pie - Nursery Rhyme CraftNo Sew Felt Tea Bags

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