Cool Gift Ideas for Active Tweens & Teens
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I love getting my kids up and moving – especially when it gets them off of video games and running around having fun! The items featured here were sent to us by the brands so that we could review them. But as you can see below we’re pretty extensive Laser X Laser Tag system users and have spent years adding to our collection!
Laser X
Several years ago we invested in a whole bunch of Laser X laser tag games for our kids after we reviewed a set. We bought enough for all 10 cousins to play together when they come over. This set has definitely stood the test of time with our rowdy crew and their friends! (You can see our Laser X Laser tag system review on them here which is still a very popular search.)
There’s no limit to how many people you can have playing on the Laser X laser tag system which is what I love! It’s been a great game for our entire family to play together as my kids have gotten older. We’ve even built birthday parties around it!
Laser X has two new products this year that are awesome to add to to their laser tag collection. I absolutely love that they have such cool additions to really ramp up your laser tag experience! It seems every year they have a new product or two to really enhance your laser tag game experience!
Laser X Equalizer Disc
Available at Target – under $15!
I have NEVER seen something like this before – it’s SO cool!!! It kind of looks like a modified frisbee and you basically throw the Laser X Equalizer Disc out into the field (or wherever you are playing) and it blasts everyone within a 50 foot radius so you’re all back on an even playing field again!
The Equalizer Disc works well with our original sets and even has the same “noises” which is pretty cool. I love that everything is pretty standardized. If you pile up all of our various Laser X products we’ve acquired and purchased over the years you could never pick out our older ones vs. newer ones – they’re all similar in style!
You just put the batteries in the back of the Equalizer Disc, and turn it on when you’re ready to use it. That’s it! It’s so simple so there’s nothing new to need to learn in order to use it which makes it great even for your younger kids.
Plus if you have a younger kid who can’t seem to be coordinated enough to use the laser tag system this would be a cool way to let them be involved in the game!
AND this is compatible even with the original Laser X laser tag system – Revolution and Evolution. So those of us that have been using this system since the beginning can use the Equalizer Disc with our original sets! And of course for safety sake, a real laser is not involved. (Requires 3 “AA” batteries.)
Laser X Revolution Micro Double Blasters
Wowza! These Laser X Revolution Micro Double Blasters are SO much smaller than their original set – and far more convenient!!! I absolutely love them! If you have used Laser X systems before the biggest difference in function is that you have to “re-load” by holding down the trigger instead of shaking it like the original set. I feel like that’s much easier but does take just a little bit longer to reload.
If you’ve never used Laser X before let me tell you – this system is fantastic. You can buy all sorts of sizes and sets and add on to “level up” over the years. These Micro Blasters are the smallest of the laser tag system that we’ve used before and come with a cool feature to change the color of lights!
It also comes with an easy switch to turn the power on, choose red team, choose blue team, or toggle to an “either” option that allows you to play singularly and not on a team. As mentioned before, in order to “re-load” you’ll need to hold the trigger down until you hear it re-load.
The system work in the dark or in the light – indoors and outdoors! The Micro Blasters are much easier to run around with and “hide”.
Biggest Pros vs. Cons of Laser X Laser Tag System:
- Extremely durable. As I mentioned we’ve had our sets for for 6+ years now I think and plenty of kids tossing them around. Nothing has chipped, broken, or come loose.
- They function fantastic. We don’t have issues with “glitches” or touchy machines. These work better than hoped for – it’s a seriously solid product.
- It’s affordable and comes with a lot of options! I LOVE that you can level up your games and change things over the years.
- This makes an AWESOME “birthday party” investment! If you’ve got several kids it’s totally worth it to buy a big set of these and use them for birthday parties instead of paying to go somewhere.
- They’re loud! You can definitely hear the system no matter where you are trying to hide which is a pretty big giveaway. There’s no “volume” button.
- They’re bright! This is a pro and con, however, but also makes it more difficult to hide in the dark.
All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback
Let me just say right now – the All-Pro Passer is EPIC – AND you don’t even have to like football to love this product! The All-Pro Passer launches the ball 25 yards in 9 different passing zones! No kidding!
It’s basically a little genius programmed for hundreds of plays which means you won’t get tired of swapping around new plays. You can use it to practice by yourself or with multiple people.
It sure gives poor dad’s arm a break here – my kids have never-ending energy! Plus this actually allows my teenagers to “play” with their dad without needing someone to throw the ball. You can use it to practice by yourself or with multiple people.
It’s a surprisingly small (and easy!) setup to use which makes it ideal to take with you when you go to the park and big open fields. We have a small yard so we take ours with us to the park when we go since it has multiple big fields to set up our play on.
We were playing a lot of disc golf but my husband’s arm needed a break so this was perfect timing to review! Now my son loves it!
Once you’ve added 4 “C” batteries, follow the directions for setup – it literally takes just a minute to complete. The football is not a “real” football but a specially designed one for the All-Pro Passer, so you can’t swap out for one you have at home.
You can then use the arrows on the machine to determine which passing zone you want, pump up your All-Pro Passer, and then run! It’s a really awesome tool to have on hand if your kids are on football teams, and it’s great to keep around for families that have kids with never-ending energy!
Even my daughter likes to “chase” her brother out in the field while he’s out there catching footballs!