The Importance of Teaching & Modeling Digital Safety & Kindness for Kids
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I have partnered with Google for Education to share about their free Be Internet Awesome curriculum in this sponsored post.
That’s the number of computers in the world that were connected to the internet in 1981. 231! That means that the majority of us did not grow up learning about phishing attempts, 2 point verification, IP addresses, hackers, complicated passwords, cyberbullying, or other areas of digital safety.
These, and so many other areas of digital safety, are things our children need to learn about in a safe way. Google can help with that!
Google for Education has offered a FREE Curriculum called Be Internet Awesome to any parent or teacher that wants to use it! There are NO sign ups required, NO credit cards, no strings attached!
In addition to the free Be Internet Awesome curriculum there is also an online game called Interland with four corresponding levels to coordinate with the curriculum.
The Be Internet Awesome Curriculum Covers:
Be Internet Smart: Share with Care
- When to share and when not to share
- Understanding profiles
- Privacy options
Be Internet Alert: Don’t Fall for Fake
- Phishing & scams
- Bots
Be Internet Strong: Secure Your Secrets
- Strong passwords
- Keeping secrets
Be Internet Kind: It’s Cool to Be Kind
- Bystanders vs. Upstanders
- Tone of text
- Having an opinion & writing it kindly
Be Internet Brave: It’s Cool to Be Brave
- When to get help
- Reporting abuse online
This sounds so trite but I’m going to say it anyway – “the children are our future”! Our future is lightning speeds ahead into the digital world and technology that we can’t even fathom is coming. Kids today are exposed to so many things that STILL fool adults!
From hacking passwords to phishing and stealing bank information, it can be a scary place out there to be easily deceived! The Be Internet awesome curriculum teaches kids about staying safe in a digital world.
71% of students have witnessed bullying directly but ONLY 20-30% of students notify adults.
The Be Internet Awesome curriculum also teaches kids about kindness, and what to do when they see a bullying situation going on – both online AND offline! It gives children the option of how to respond, helps them to learn that it’s OK to reach out for help and where to go.
More about Interland:
Interland is a FUN adventure that allows kids to take a quest through kindness, phishing attempts, secure passwords, and other areas of the Be Internet Awesome curriclum in game form!
Navigate through various levels on four different Interland mountain terrains that are all color coded with the Be Internet Awesome theme. Even as an adult I personally enjoy playing Interland and still get stumped on some things!