Pete the Cat Paper Plate Craft: Four Groovy Buttons

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There are so many reasons to love Pete the Cat and these Pete the Cat paper plate craft buttons make me smile every time we make them! They are SO simple! We’ve used them to decorate classroom walls and they’re an easy go-to for quick craft idea.

3 button paper plate crafts

Back to school always makes me smile because I walk down the school hallway and see Pete the Cat smiling back at me! I love the silly optimistic Pete the Cat stories and my son’s favorite one is Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons.

This button paper plate craft is an easy one to make for kids of all ages and can go with other stories and themes too (like Corduroy or even Lalaloopsy themes!) – not just Pete the Cat.

Groovy Button Paper Plate Craft Materials:

paint and paper plates for Pete the Cat craft
  • Small paper plates

  • Yellow, orange, and blue craft paint (or markers/crayons)

  • Foam paint brushes

  • Hole puncher or a large pin

  • Yarn

  • Scissors

  • Old newspapers

yellow painted paper plate craft

After passing out the paper plates let the kids paint them (or color them depending on your age group and time for mess!). We chose to create blue, orange, and yellow buttons although you can stick with the colors in Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons if you want!

blue painted paper plate craft

We used small paper plates for the buttons so we could place a regular sized paper plate underneath it as a paint “tray” but you can also lay down a cheap plastic tablecloth or newspaper to prevent mess.

orange painted paper plate craft

For my own button paper plates I just used a long needle to poke holes and thread my yarn through the middle of the buttons but for the kids I actually used a pencil to poke larger holes. This made it easier for the kids to thread their own yarn through larger holes.

orange paper plate with white string craft

Start by thread opposite holes like I did above.

white paper plate with white string craft

Then follow the alternating back pattern like this.

3 colorful button paper plate crafts

There you have it! Some awesome brightly colored Pete the Cat Groovy Button paper plates! You can extend this into a writing activity by having the kids write (or paste pieces of paper they’ve written on) right onto their “buttons” about what makes them happy.

Make sure to check out my Pete the Cat Pinterest board for more ideas and scroll through below to see some of our other Pete the Cat tutorials and other things you can buy to pair with this theme!

Check out these awesome large WOOD BUTTONS from Oriental Trading! They run under $5 per dozen and would make a fun activity too!

large wood craft buttons

Even MORE Pete the Cat favorites!:

Pete the Cat Toilet Paper Tube CraftDIY Pete the Cat Shoes TutorialDIY Pete the Cat T-shirt Tutorial
Pete the Cat Pinterest Board

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