Preschool Pretend Play: Johnny Appleseed NO SEW Felt Apple Pie
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With my daughter approaching 2 years old (where does the time go?!) each day I see her more and more involved in imaginative play. I LOVE making no sew felt projects for kids to play with so I’m constantly scheming up ideas she can use! With Johnny Appleseed Day coming up soon and fall just around the corner I wanted a felt apple pie to pair with our Little Jack Horner Christmas pie. You guys know I can’t sew at all so I had to make this easy! Plus it helps children work on fine motor skills and coordination. You can easily turn this into a math activity. Check out how we made ours below and if you have some awesome (simple!) improvements to your pie I’d love to hear about it!
If you need a quick and easy kid-friendly Apple Pie in an Apple recipe you can try ours!
Felt Apple Pie Materials:
Light Brown Felt or Fleece Fabric
Pie Tin
Apples (we used Attribute Apples but you can even use paper apples)
Optional: Hot Glue and printed apples
I began by laying the brown fabric in the bottom of the pan, pressed against the sides, and then I cut around the top rim. It was NOT even or fancy or even measured. I simply held the fabric into the bottom of the pie pan (actually it’s a cake pan but we called it a pie pan) and snip snip snipped! I wanted a natural uneven look (*cough cough*) so it was perfect!
Here you can see the fabric even ruffles around the edge of the pan like a real apple pie!
Make sure if you’re using the Learning Resources Attribute Apples set you remove the apples with worms! Bleck! No one wants worms in their apple pie! If you don’t have enough play apples to use from your pretend food stash then you can print your own apples in this simple download we created:
Printable Apples in Different Sizes
Cut out some long strips of brown felt fabric and now your kids are ready to build!
The awesome thing is that you can use this in SO many different ways! Teach good hand washing skills and basic kitchen skills for a simple home ec lesson. Sort colors, sizes, etc. If you have apples that you printed you can turn it into a math exercise by only placing the value of certain apples in the pie. Or turn it into a numerous amount of language arts lessons by placing only printed apples with vowels, blends, rhyming words, etc. into your pie. Or simply have fun with pretend play!
Once your apples are in the pie teach yours kids how to lattice on the crust! It’s not as easy as it looks! This will work on their coordination, memory, and fine motor skills.
There you have it! It’s easy to store all the pieces right in the pie tin – although we actually used a cake pan since the sides are straight up preventing more “spills” from the kids. Below are some of our other printables you can pair with your apple pie play!