INCREDIBLE Bug Artist – DON’T Miss This POST!

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This was definetely one of the most amazing exhibits I had ever seen in my life. This exhibit is by Jennifer Angus, who decorates walls with – you guessed it- BUGS! Her passion is creating beautiful artwork, with bugs, to make patterns on the wall. From a distance it looks like it’s simply wall paper- and when you look closer- her design is actually beautiful bugs!
Even the words are made with bugs.


Here she gets creative and in these beautiful dollhouses- instead of dolls- are actually bugs!


The patterns that she uses are simply mesmerizing. ALL of these bugs that you see are REAL bugs that she has used. NONE of them have been painted- these are actually what the bugs look like. In a video I watched with her she said it takes her about 1 hour to pin 10 bugs! Many of these exhibits use thousands of bugs so you can imagine the time that goes behind her art work!



Doesn’t the picture below look like wallpaper?



Look at the beautiful colors of these bugs that she incorporates into her patterns! All natural!



Look at this one- check out the pink & green colors! So beautiful!
(yes- I really did just say that about a bug!)


I LOVE the one you see above! Isn’t it amazing?? Check out the dollhouses below!



Below I’ve included a video of an interview with Jennifer Angus and some behind-the-scenes shots at her actually putting an exhibit together in Canada- It’s a little over 6 minutes but is totally worth watching! Very intriguing! What do you think??

Let me know if you enjoyed this post- I couldn’t wait to share this amazing talent with you guys!

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  1. We are "Three Men in a Boat" says:

    I saw this exhibit at Tampa's Museum of Science and Industry just last month as part of a larger bug exhibit and I would have loved to have spoken with the artist. Great experience.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Seems to me this is sending kids the wrong message. Did these bugs die "naturally"? I would have a hard time believing that they all did. I teach children to be respectful of living organisms. That means you leave them (alone).

  3. The Teacher's Wife says:

    I can definitely understand your concern. If you look on Jennifer's page she tells you how she acquires these bugs. They are bought from licensed insect dealers who buy them from indigenous people. This is the tribes livelihood- collecting bugs and ensuring their safety in the rainforest. They actually monitor the population- it's quite fascinating if you check it out…..

  4. Alicia C. says:

    I, too, was wondering where the bugs came from. Thanks for clarifying. I really like the "Birth, Life, Death. Each Takes Place on the Underside of a Leaf."

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