Changing Your Community for the Better #mealsperhour #sponsored

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Disclosure: This post was written as part of my sponsored partnership with the Stiletto Media Blogger Network.

 Toyota MPH logo

Oh man, whenever I hear people talking about things that can better your community I jump all over it! It’s amazing how that people think there is nothing that they could do to contribute to their community because maybe they don’t feel like you have time or enough money to fund something, but that is simply just not true! There are an infinite number of ways that one could make a difference in their community depending on your situation. For us, we live in a small country town, but we used to live in a large city.

Here are a few ideas that you can do to help change your community for the better:

  • Offer a section of your yard for a free community vegetable garden.
  • Volunteer at your local school, nursing home, homeless shelter, library, hospital, etc.
  • Coordinate an annual garage sale for your neighborhood.
  • Simply attend local community events.
  • Create a recycling bin for local businesses.
  • Support local mom & pop businesses.
  • Collect toys for a local adoption agency.
  • Read a book in a local daycare center.

 Check out one way that Toyota is changing communities for the better!

Meals Per Hour

Toyota partnered with the Food Bank for New York City in an effort to help change the community for the better. They were able to bring food to areas that were impacted by Superstorm Sandy! The program was deemed Meals Per Hour and launched a team from the Toyota Production System Support Center to share Toyota’s know-how on how to do more with less which is such an important concept! They wanted to increase the number of meals that were given out per hour and was able to provide 250,000 meals via emergency meal boxes – up to 450 per hour! I can only imagine how grateful residents were as they waited for meals!! What the Supermarche documentary to see what changes Toyota made and why these changes matter. PLUS Toyata will also donate one meal to Food Bank for New York City (up to 1 MILLION meals by July 19) for EACH video view! So make sure to share it with your friends! Check it out below!


What are some of your tips on how to change your community for the better?

Disclosure: This post was written as part of my sponsored partnership with the Stiletto Media Blogger Network.

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