
I’m Headed to #BoxTops University #NBTU Now!

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Yippee! It’s time! I’m on my way right now to #BoxTops University and General Mills headquarters! I can hardly wait! I’ll be blogging and updating from there and I can’t wait to share with you guys what I’ve learned! I sat down with my husband last night and got a list of things that he wanted me to learn to help out his school better. What about you guys? Is there anything you’re curious to know? I’d love to put a list of questions together if you have any!



General Mills has offered me the opportunity to attend Box Tops University 2011 at their headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota on June 17th – and I’m GOING! They are covering ALL of my travel expenses! I was surprised yet SO incredibly excited when I got my e-mail yesterday!!!
What exactly is Box Tops University? 
“Each year, we visit cities across the country and invite our school’s Box Tops Coordinators to come and spend the day with us.  We share with them all of the tips & tricks that they need to make their school’s Box Tops program the best it can be.  It’s also a time for coordinators to share ideas on how to they boost participation and earnings at their school.  Plus, there are new announcements, fun prizes and lots of goodies.” 
I couldn’t be more thrilled about participating!! And it’s perfect timing because my husband will be off for the summer too to watch the kids! I KNOW this will be great info to all of you teachers and school personnel out there especially, but it’s great also for parents to learn more about the program and make sure your school is doing it! Never heard of Box Tops? (is that possible?) Specially marked products (such as cereal, school supplies, etc.) have a “box top” on it that looks like this:
Simply cut it off of the packaging, and hand it to a participating school! The school can then send it in and will receive $.10 per “box top” that they can use for supplies, students, etc. Some schools are doing a fantastic job at making this work for them and can earn thousands of dollars every year! That is a LOT of money!
If you don’t donate your Box Tops consider saving them for a school- or please send them to me and I will make sure they are donated appropriately! It’s such an easy way to help our children and school systems out! Does YOUR school participate in Box Tops? How well are they organized? Do you know how much your school makes a year from it? Could you do it better?
I’m SO thankful for the opportunity to attend Box Tops University 2011 courtesy of General Mills and I will be eager to share so much great information with you! From what I’ve seen of others who have attended Box Tops University you get a TON of awesome goodies as well!! Has anyone ever attended? I’d love to know your thoughts on the program!

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