DIY Space Alien Craft for Kids

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DIY Alien space Craft for Kids

Space aliens hold a fascination for many of us and this creative space alien kid’s craft is super fun to design and decorate with! Buy some cheap wooden spools and use scraps of yarn to get started! Directions for each space alien are listed below.


DIY Space Alien Spool Craft for Kids

3 Empty wooden spools

Teal, white, and green yarn or embroidery floss

8 Googly eyes

5 Pom poms (3 purple, 2 orange)

2 Pipe cleaner (pink and silver)

Felt scraps (pink and orange)

Black felt tip marker

Hot glue

Hot glue gun


DIY Alien Space craft for kids

Step 1: Glue the end of the green yarn to the wooden spool. Wrap yarn around spool until it is completely covered. When the spool is completely covered cut the yarn and attach to spool with a small drop of hot glue.

space alien craft for kids tutorial

Step 2: Cut out 2 small pieces of pipe cleaner (silver). Glue an orange pom-pom to one end of each pipe cleaner. Glue the non-embellished end of the pipe cleaner to the inside of spool.

Step 3: Glue on 5 small googly eyes.

Step 4: Make a mouth for the monster out of felt.


 Aliens space craft for kids

Step 1: Glue the end of the teal yarn to the wooden spool. Wrap yarn around spool until it is completely covered. When the spool is completely covered cut the yarn and attach to spool with a small drop of hot glue.

space alien craft for kids tutorial

Step 2: Cut out 2 circles from a pink piece of felt and glue it to both ends of the spool.

Step 3: Cut out two small pieces of pink pipe cleaner. Fold them in half and than pull them apart to make spikes, glue to the back of the spool.

Step 4: Glue on 2 googly eyes on one of the ends and use a felt tip marker to make a mouth.


DIY alien space craft kids

Step 1: Glue the end of the white yarn to the wooden spool. Wrap yarn around spool until it is completely covered. When the spool is completely covered cut the yarn and attach to spool with a small drop of hot glue.

space alien craft for kids tutorial

Step 2: Cut out a circle from a pink piece of felt and glue it to the top of the spool. Poke a hole through the center of the felt piece.

Step 3: Cut 3 pieces of pink pipe cleaner in various lengths. Glue one purple pom poms to the top of the pink pipe cleaner. Repeat on remaining 2 pieces. Glue them to the inside of the spool.

Step 4: Glue on an eye and cut a mouth out of orange felt and glue on.

You can create your OWN alien monsters any way you’d like! Then read the children’s book “Aliens in Underpants Save the World“!


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