DIY Button Globe + Projects & Gift Ideas from Goodwill Thrift Store
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This post is paid for by Goodwill®. All creativity my own.

Can I let you in on a little secret? During the holidays (and pretty much all year!) there is one store I visit more than any other store (besides grocery shopping of course – and maybe even then!). It’s my local Goodwill®! I was nearly giddy when I was offered the opportunity to feature them this holidays because I am there at least once a week (as you’ll notice below!). It’s a bit of an obsession for me! In fact when I received the message to work with them I WAS IN GOODWILL!
My local store is about a half block from my son’s school – I take it as a sign! I have saved hundreds, and probably thousands, of dollars shopping there. They have a Goodwill Rewards card that I have scanned at every purchase which gives me extra discounts and savings. Plus when you shop at Goodwill you are creating job opportunities and training in local communities! Goodwill provides job preparation, skills training, education assistance and support services to millions of people. Every 23 seconds someone gets a job with the help of Goodwill!
That really awesome wooden unfinished grandfather clock you see above – I literally picked that up at my Goodwill this morning – with all of the coupons and discounts it was like getting it free! I don’t have time to finish creating it before the holidays but I’m scouring for fantastic ideas to make this a great centerpiece in my living room! Maybe a succulent garden or retro vinyl clock? I’m not sure yet! The plant on the left, all of the globes you see AND the yellow pillow on the left are all from Goodwill also!
Of course that’s where I get the majority of our clothes but believe it or not I also get holiday gifts, home decor, AND crafting supplies there. The place has been a life saver for me since we moved into our new house last summer! And it’s the perfect place for DIY Gifts!
My daughter had NO dolls and LOVES the ones she plays with at daycare – so I’ve been collecting dollies from Goodwill over the past 4-6 months that Santa will leave in front of the tree for her. I might have gone a little crazy! I paid about $20 for that ENTIRE collection! And when she’s done with them we’ll find other little girls to donate them to!
I also found a little closet to hang doll clothes up in for $3 at Goodwill! For real – $3!!! It was a little drab in plain wood so I spruced it up with some paint I had at home and turned it into a Boo-inspired (from Monsters, Inc.) Doll Closet! It will pair up great with my daughter’s dolls for Christmas!
Recently my son has been into everything vintage and retro – what better place to find a gift then at Goodwill? On December 1st we decided to “open” a family gift together that we could enjoy all month long during the holidays. I picked up this fantastic record player (and yes it works!) for ONLY $10! The case was an ugly greyish-black color though I taped up the chrome sides and spray painted it candy apple red so it looks really slick on the outside!
Everything you see in the white shelves (except for my RT66 planter) are all from the thrift store. Every last globe, plant, and vinyl record in my house. The big nutcracker on the left, the globe, the record player, the metal “R” on the wall and the fancy white frame it’s sitting on – yup – all Goodwill treasures!
And after several trips look at some of these incredible vintage records I picked up there! Old vinyl records are perfect for creating DIY gifts!
Just last week we posted our DIY Cat Lovers Gift Set with some supplies we picked up from Goodwill too! You can see there is no limit to what you can find at Goodwill and how you can flip it to a fabulous DIY project either for yourself or as a gift!
DIY Globe Project:

If you were to come to my house the first thing you would see when you walk in was 17 globes. YES – 17!! And every single one of them came from Goodwill. To say I love globes is a bit of an understatement. With the exception of my very large floor globe I never pay more than $5 for each. Most of them I love as is but I wanted to take one and craft it to something else. I had this beautiful idea of a white globe with mossy continents but it did NOT turn out as I had imagined – at all! So I went a different direction – below is what I did.
I’d LOVE to see some of your DIY projects & gifts that you’ve made from the thrift store! Send me an e-mail with a picture and I’ll add it to our post as an Inspiration Board!Â