Dinosaur Extinct? Game Review & Giveaway
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Briarpatch is an educational toy company (they’re green too!) that has received over 300 awards for product excellence – in just under 10 years! They have great brands such as I Spy, Fancy Nancy, Goodnight Moon, Thomas and Friends, Maisy, Frog and Toad, the USPS, and more! I had the great opportunity to meet with them at BlogHer last month and view some of their products! Above you see one of their games Dinosaurs, Extinct? Will your Dinosaur survive into the 21st Century or turn into a pile of bones?
My four year old LOVES this game, and to be honest I don’t think it really has anything to do with the fact that the game is about dinosaurs – although that is a huge plus. This game is so simple to understand and play, although there are a lot of variables that can change the outcome of the game. My son is now an expert on this game and asks to play it every day. This is a great game for children to practice following the rules and directions!
With this game comes the disaster cards (earth event cards) you see above, as well as the dinosaur flip cards you also see above, as well as the game board, dice, dinosaur game pieces, and below you can see the extra dinosaur toys included in the game! These were fun for my kids to play with as they were waiting for their turn!
The object of the game? Get your dinosaur to the 21st century! You don’t want him to become extinct due to volcanoes, meteors, earthquakes, or other dinosaur attacks! Once you determine who is going first in the game, you roll the dice, and move along the dinosaur footprints path. If you land on a small globe you have to pick up an earth event card (volcanoes, meteors, dino attacks, etc.). You then re-roll the dice. If the number on your dice is higher than the number on the card, you are safe for that turn. BUT if the dice number is smaller than the number on the card you have to flip over one section of your dinosaur card as you see below. Flipping up part of the dinosaur card will expose the bones underneath as your dinosaur begins it’s way to extinction! If you have to flip over all three sections your dinosaur has become extinct!
However if you land on a No Bones spot along the path you can flip all of your cards back to your original dinosaur picture so that “no bones” are showing – and gain some dinosaur life back. There are also places on the board where you can switch your dinosaur with another dinosaur on the board too!

What did we think? It’s a winner!! My son is obsessed with it! I think he appreciates the complexity and variety that Dinosaurs, Extinct? has to offer, although the game is very simple to follow. It is not just a “roll the dice and move till you’re done” game. There are several different options in the game to land on as well as the hands-on variable with the flipping dinosaur cards and toy dinosaurs!
I love that Briarpatch’s games are earth friendly and educational! The bright colors and complexity of the board game certainly draw attention to itself! You can see below how much fun my son AND my husband are having! This is a great game for kids who want to keep busy. You roll the dice a lot to move, and you roll the dice every time there is an earth event card rolled. Between rolling the dice, moving your dinosaur, playing with your toy dinosaur, and flipping your dinosaur card – this game is sure to keep your kids happy and busy!!
Briarpatch has generously offered one of my readers the same Dinosaurs, Extinct? game that we received to review!! This would be a fun classroom activity, or game for your kids or grandkids!
My son would LOVE the dinosaurs game but i think the family game Tic Tac Turn would be great to play as a family game…. it seeems the every night is now family game night in our house… we sure could use some new games!!! melindagassmann at aol dot com
I like the Frog and Toad Adventure Game. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
Thomas & Friends 6' ABC Floor Puzzle
Goodnight Moon My World ABC Game.
Man this would be a perfect Christmas gift. Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
I think that Blockers would be a great game for our family. It is one that could last the longest (playig wise). All the I-spy games would be the favorites for the boys.
danellejohns at gmail dot com
Dino Flip looks like fun too!
I think the PIrate Brawl Mini Game would be awesome to use with my Pirate lesson plan!
Lisa B
I also like the I Spy Spectacular Game! Looks like a game by boys would enjoy.
[email protected]
A Day Out With Thomas would be fun also
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have the iSpy preschool game! Thank you!
Laurie Adams
[email protected]
How cool! My dino-loving daughter would freak out!
I think my son would like the game A Day Out With Thomas 🙂
green_eyed_princesss at msn dot com
I liked the I Spy Preschool Game.
[email protected]
we would also love the I Spy Memory Game
ashleygatewood1 (AT) gmail.com
I like the I Spy Spectacular Game.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
Blockers looks like a fun one not only for my son but the whole family. Would be a great family night event
[email protected]
My daughter is obsessed with dinosaurs and she would absolutely love this game!
My son is nuts for Thomas so we would like to have to thomas puzzle.
Kimmie Barnes
[email protected]
jakeremom–twitter and GFC
The I Spy floor puzzle looks fun!!
luckycharm8103 at gmail
A Day Out with Thomas looks fun! 🙂
The Goodnight Moon ABC game would probably be a hit with my kids
I like the Nature of America Rainforest puzzle.
smchester at gmail dot com
I Spy "A is for…" Children's Puzzle
thank you
[email protected]
I like the I Spy Spectacular Game as well.
I like the I Spy Memory Game for my Grand Kids
ajsis at windstream dot net
my kids love I spy, i know they would enjoy the i spy spectacular game
We would love the frog and toad adventure game
Diane Baum
[email protected]
I like the "My World ABC" game.
[email protected]
I would love to try the game Tic Tac Turn! It puts a spin on an old classic!
We'd love the Madeline at the White House.
stormraven at gmail dot com
I like the Goodnight Moon Game. My home bound autistic student would love to play it.
[email protected]