Sometimes Learning How to Survive on Your Salary is a Big Step

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In today’s economy there are not many people who I’ve met who aren’t trying to figure out how to survive on their salary. Budget cuts, job loss, moving, debt, medical bills – there are many different reasons for a tight budget. No matter what sort of cutting back you do, how many coupons you do, or how little you spend…..sometimes it just isn’t enough.
That’s when you need to take a step back and think about what ELSE you can do. Seems like an oxymoron doesn’t it? Sometimes it’s doing none of the things you are currently doing! Sometimes it’s a complete redirection for you or your family. It’s time to go back to the drawing board and start from scratch.
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It’s a BIG STEP. It’s scary and maybe unwanted, but it has a purpose. I’m considering one of those BIG STEPS for our family and it’s exciting for me, but scary too! Anything new and unknown can be scary – but it might just be the best thing you’ve ever done. Here are a few situations that you might find yourself in and need to consider a BIG STEP of your own.
No matter how much money you try not to spend you just aren’t making ends meet.
You just can’t keep up with all of your debt – it is overwhelming.
You’re exhausted from doing everything you can to save money and stretch the budget that you have no time or energy for your family – the ones you are trying to help.
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Here are some ideas to help you in taking a BIG STEP:
DON’T RUSH! It may takes months for your big step to play out!
Think logically. Don’t make quick or emotional decisions because you’re tired or upset. Take plenty of time to think about it. It will NOT be fixed in one day.
Talk about ALL the options – no matter how silly or crazy it might seem, it might spur on some new ideas.
DON’T think/talk about it when you don’t have time. You’ll feel rushed and stressed out even more. Set aside a few minutes before you go to bed if you have to in order to devote your full attention to the conversation.

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  1. Great post… can I add one more thing… Dont forget to live while these big things are happening… by this I mean don't keep telling yourself that "when im out of debt, we'll do______" It doesn't matter if you spend $15 per family member to do something fun. Do the free things, spend a day/afternoon at the park…pack a picnic lunch… find the free things and do, but don't forget to spend time with loved ones since they wont stop living/growing/changing while you are tackling your debt.

  2. Grammy Goodwill says:

    When I went back to teaching after my divorce, I was encouraged to start saving for retirement. How could I do that? I started by having $25/month taken out of my check. Then, when I got a raise, I had that amount added to my monthly contributions. I didn't give myself an actual raise for years.

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