Patriotic American Flag Craft Stick Craft for Kids

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patriotic american flag craft stick craft for kids

This is another super easy craft stick craft that you can modify depending on the age of the children working on it! You’ll need 14 crafts sticks per flag, paint or markers (red, white, blue), glue (tacky, hot glue, or wood glue) and that’s it! I like to buy this box of 1000 craft sticks because of the cheap price and bulk size!

patriotic american flag craft stick craft for kids

Paint (or use markers) 5 of the craft sticks white and 6 of the craft sticks red! The remaining 3 craft sticks will be used to hold everything together.

patriotic american flag craft stick craft for kids

One the paint has dried place the craft sticks face down alternating red and just like the American flag. Push all of the craft sticks together and straighten them as shown above and glue on the remaining 3 craft sticks perpendicular to the flag pieces and let dry.

patriotic american flag craft stick craft for kids

 It should look like this when you flip it over.

patriotic american flag craft stick craft for kids

Then paint the blue “box” on the corner of the flag.

patriotic american flag craft stick craft for kids


Now here is the fun part! You can have the kids paint stars on the blue area of the flag, BUT I know this is hard for many kids to do so here are a few fun alternatives for younger grades!

1. – Use star stickers! Silver stars will be easier than white to find. You can purchase a roll of 500 silver star stickers here.
2. Use stickers/paint the stars on for them – one star for each book the child reads as a reading incentive! When they fill as many stars as you can fit on the flag they’ll win a prize….or can simply take their flag home as a reward.
3. Preprint a small square with stars on it so the children can simply cut/paste them onto the flag.

You can add ribbon or a piper cleaner to the back of it so that the kids can hang their flag or glue it onto the back of a paint stirring stick to look like a real flag! The options here are pretty limitless! Have the kids create 6 flags over a period in conjunction with the reading incentive and then attach them so that it creates a house! (neat idea for Lincoln’s “log cabin” for President’s Day!)

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One Comment

  1. Very cute idea! Thanks for sharing. I really like the idea of them earning the stars, and then earning a prize. This would be a great incentive to the boy I work with one – on -one.

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