Lysol Disinfectant Care Kit Review
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With school starting this month the germs are just around the corner! Colds, runny noses, the flu…….all of these illnesses can help be prevented by simple hygenic practices, and Lysol helps to keep our kids healthy! With so many children all in one place, cleaning and disinfecting has never been more important! I had the opportunity to try out Lysol’s new Healthy Touch No-Touch Hand Soap System – which my husband was just ecstatic about having in his classroom! I’m not kidding – he whisked it away to use in his classroom the same day I opened the package!!
Lysol’s No-Touch Hand Soap system comes in four scents:
Refreshing Grapefruit Essence
Soothing Cucumber Splash
Aloe Vera and Vitamin E with Moisturizers
Antibacterial Total Care
The starter kit comes with a dispenser, a hand soap refill, and four AA batteries. This may be a little thing but I really appreciated that it came with the batteries! That is one thing we are always short on in our house! The system is extremely simple to set up. As you can see below you just place the hand soap refill into the dispener, and you’re ready to go!! On the back of the dispenser there is an on/off switch which is absolutely ingenious! I know my kids would wash their hands a zillion times a day if it weren’t for this switch!! It’s pretty bad when you have to ration out hand soap!
Lysol’s Healthy Touch No-Touch Hand Soap system kills 99.9% of bacteria when used properly. As you can see the design is very stylish and is a great idea to use in your kitchen, classroom, nursery, bathroom, or anywhere else you might need to wash your germy hands! The No-Touch dispenser automatically senses your hand underneath the nozzle and squirts out the right amount of soap. This is a really nice idea since I can only imagine the amount of germs on a soap hand pump – especially in a classroom full of children!! Imagine 22 kids using the same hand pump in the classroom – that’s an awful lot of germs!
These Lysol No Touch soap systems run under $15 for the initial starter kit, and around $3 for the refill. This really isn’t a bad price when you think about using this in a childcare/school setting. I know my kids pump the manual soap pumps as many times as they can before I catch them overdoing it! Lysol has put out a really cute handwashing poster that you can print and put next to your handwashing stations for kids! They also have an entire page of healthy school hygiene habits that you can read and teach your children about.
I also received the Lysol Dual Action Disinfecting Wipes which we actually use here at home as well. The package I received will actually be making its way to my son’s new preschool! I LOVE these wipes. Typically I prefer a botanical based wipes, but I really love the Lysol Dual Action wipes because one side has built in fibers which almost feel like a scrubby pad. They do a great job at cleaning off clumps of junk (food, paint, etc.) which sure make it a lot easier for a quick clean up when the kids are running around! I’ve seen the school desks at my husband’s school and they can get pretty nasty real quick!!
The Lysol wipes also kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, including cold and flu viruses. These are great to clean off desks, doorknobs, toys, countertops, and anything else where germs and crud make their way to! When any of my kids are sick I go crazy with the Lysol wipes and constantly wipe doorknobs and other handles that little hands touch!
Lysol currently has a No-Touch Stainless Kitchen Sweepstakes on their Facebook page where they are giving away a stainless steel Whirlpool kitchen set!! The sweepstakes ends 8/31/11 so hurry up and enter!
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this review. I received a sample kit as part of a promotional program with Lysol® and MomSelect.
This would be awesome – I hate washing my hands in my classroom because the soap pump scares me.
I would love it because there is no soap dispenser next to the sink I use in my classroom. Gotta supply my own. 🙂
This would be amazing! Would definately cut down on some germs in the classroom!
I would love to win it because with so many hands, it makes a mess with a normal soap dispenser, this would be a wonderful new addition! TY for the giveaway!
I would love to win this for my First grade classroom! It would cut down on the amount of germs being spread in the classroom!
I would love to win this for my classroom! I can't stand the mess a normal soap dispenser makes!
[email protected]
I teach over 250 students each week. That potentially is a lot of germs in my classroom during cold and flu season. I really would like to cut down the chances of my students and myself getting sick this school year!
I need this package because I am a teacher and during cold season, I go through boxes of kleenex each week- sometimes a full big box for one student at that. Those desks need to be wiped down as much as possible!
[email protected]
Love this cool new idea! The less they have to touch, the better chance they will not get sick and be in school each day!
[email protected]
2nd graders and Lysol are my best friends…esoecially in the "cold" season.
I would love to have this in my classroom! I teach inner city students and they need all of the hand washing and santitizing I can give them!
I need this to help keep my Kindergarteners well and to also keep the classroom clean this year!
[email protected]
The Lysol Care Kit would be FABULOUS in my classroom. I teach kindergarten and I think this would be a way to motivate hand washing. :o)
This is very needed in any classroom! Anything that helps prevent germs from spreading is a must have in my book!
[email protected]
I teach Kindergarten and would love to have this in my classroom as another way to help prevent the spread of germs, especially at the beginning of the school year.
[email protected]
Love it! A must have!!!
[email protected]
I need this because we all have allergies here in South Texas and I am teaching my kids to wash or get hand sanitizer after all sneezes, coughs, or nose blows. 🙂
[email protected]
I would love this! I'm constantly hand washing/germ-x to prevent illness.
[email protected]
I would love to win this because hand sanitizer is the one thing my husband won't let me buy for my classroom!!
I would LOVE this for my classroom!!! I'm a K-6 Special Ed teacher in a small room with no sink to wash all those germs away! I work in a rural area that has students in the lower socio-economic setting so when we request school supplies, we don't always get them. This would help out soooo much!!!
We just got over a bad stomach virus at our home which reminded us the importance of keeping areas germ free!
susaaan at gmail dot com
I would love this prize because our bathrooms never have soap and this seems like a great no mess so dispenser. And I LOVE LYSOL WIPES!
I would love this to share with my Science teammate. Ours students do a lot of great science activities in her room and alwasy need a safe, sanitary way to wash up themselves and their lab spaces. This prize pack would be a great help!
Rebecca McKnight
[email protected]
With two little ones, I need this constantly!
I would love to have this set because I am teaching first graders so number one it will cut back on wasteful use of soap, and number two my soap dispenser is at the back of the counter, so shorties can hardly reach it without making a mess!
[email protected]
I would use this in my classroom of VPK students. We have to follow ECERS requirements and children have to wash their hands at least 11 times a day.
[email protected]
This would be great to put in the garage for the kids, and also fantastic for the classroom when I go back!
This would be great to put in the garage for the kids, and also fantastic for the classroom when I go back!
This would be great to put in the garage for the kids, and also fantastic for the classroom when I go back!
This would help me in my classroom – I live in Northern Japan and we are still conserving to help the Japanese continue to rebuild! It would cut down on water usage in the DODDS school I work in!
It is my 1st year teaching full time (2nd year teaching) and I have so much to get still! Being in a 1st grade class it is super important to sanitize and keep it clean! Being healthy each day is important for the kids! I need to be there each day for them and don't want sickness to stop me!
I think that this would be great for the upcoming flu and cold season- I get sick way too often!
[email protected]
This is my first year of teaching, so my immune system is definitely vulnerable! It would be great to have this!
I follow you on Facebook.
[email protected]
This would be great to have because teaching the boys to wash their hands is a must
I need this because my kids are bad about washing their hands at home. This would make them want to wash more.
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
i would use this in my classroom bathroom.
I work with K-8th grade and that's a lot of hands! I have no sink in my room and I'm always running to the bathroom when i get a chance to give my hands a good wash. This would definitely help out!
because i love to keep my hands clean!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
I would us ths not only while im in school but at work because i work at a hospital and having something extra to mae sure our hands are clean is always nice!
I run a daycare & we go through LOTS of soap & disinfectant here!
[email protected]
I am a future teacher and I would love to have this in my classroom to cut down on germs and colds!
[email protected]
Who couldn't use these products.Teaching Kindergarten requires constant washing up and cleaning. I use these at home as well as at school. Great products.
i have 4 kids ranging from 2-8 & we always are cleaning & disenfecting & sanitizing. oh how i would love this!! LOL
I worked in Special ed classroom last school year. Love the kids, BUT they can't seem to get the hang of blowing noses or using soap and it's a germy world in the self contained classroom. Anything to keep us grown ups healthy and stop the spread of those GERMS!!!
I am a social worker, and go into people's homes and lives every day. Lysol would be a great thing to have with me for those less than ideal environments. I know that, as a teacher, you know what I mean!
My friend just got a teaching job and this would be a perfect "congrats" gift!
i love lysol and always have. i clean basically everything with them.
this would be grat to win !
I LOVE LYSOL!!!! It's my favorite brand of cleaning supplies. LYSOL IS THE BEST. My son loves the no touch pump so this is great for him
Because it's a great way to prevent germs
I need it for my 2-year old, always getting dirty!!!
Always looking for stuff to donate to the kids classrooms.
I need this because we have a newborn that we have to protect from all of my kids germs they get from playing outside and school.
if Lysol makes it, I will use it!!
I'm dirty so I need to win this.
Love Lysol [email protected]
I would love to win this because it's so hard to wash your hands when holding a baby so this would make it so much easier to keep my hands clean!!!
[email protected]
I`d like to win this, less mess is always nice!!
ctymice at gmail dot com
Love Lysol and have been wanting to try this in my classroom! [email protected]
I am a college student and affording cleaning supplies is not exactly a priority…
[email protected]
I need this in my house! With 3 kids I go through so much hand soap in the bathroom. With this they will know exactly how much they need to use. Will be extra handy for ,y 2 yr old since shes just learning how to independently wash her hands!
Jamie Williams
[email protected]
To donate to a school in an impoverish area to keep the kiddos healthy
people just dont realize how easy it could be to transfer germs
Can't wait to try it! Hate having to constantly remind kids to wash, this will make it "fun" and won't need reminders!
The kindergardners so need this in the classroom. My mother got some of this and I tried it and the 1st thing I thought of was all the germs this would kill in the classroom!! What a great product!! [email protected]
We PE Teachers could use this (hands free) soap dispenser in our locker-room after we teach outdoors. If Lysol makes it, we'll use it.
I have a house full of kids who get sick pretty easely and I usually buy it so it would be nice to [email protected]
less mess..sanitary
my 6 yr old grandson loves to help pappa work on the cars and small engine items and gets so dirty this would be great for both of them. and me as I hate cleaning up after both of them
This would be great to have, it would really be helpful for the grandkids to use.
I love the way your products smell and clean and keep us or try to keep us healthy. I would love this product to try it out and see if I would enjoy it as much as I love the other products
I want this because it would encourage my kids to wash their hands and make it easier for them.
I need this because being a stay at home mommy of two there is always the need of a hands free soap system. It would be so much easier to teach my 15 mth old how to wash her hands and stay germ free
[email protected]
I want this for my Sister. She spends ALOT of money on school supplies for her "30+ children"
I would love this. Just think of all the germs left on the soap container when dirty hands handle it!
We have animals and a messy kid. This would be great for us!
[email protected]
I need this because I have 2 dogs and I am ALWAYS wiping up something off the floor!! Oy
[email protected]
I would like to winthis to cut down on some germs.
[email protected]
I love this product. It works great and I love mine!!!!!
I love this product. It works great and I love mine!!!!!
I love this product. It works great and I love mine!!!!!
I need this to give to my stepmoms special needs class. They sometimes struggle with washing their hands and this could prove helpful!
I cook for lots of people and have been wantingto get one.
i love Lysol products [email protected]
This would be great for my kids bathroom
[email protected]
I would love to have this…I have 2 teenage boys that never like to wash their hands and a girl who loves to, and still uses the hand sanitizer every time we go in a store that has one!
[email protected]
I could really use the Lysol gift pack b/c I have 3 kids who are returning to school after a year of homeschool. My youngest son has been sick his entire almost 2 years on this earth (in & out of the hospital) which is why my kiddos are not being homeschooled next year. Every way we can help prevent the spread of germs to my little guy is very helpful!!
Cookemonstersmom AT aim dOT coM
I need this because I need to keep germs out of the house.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I would like to win this because I am a teacher and also have young children at home. The less germs I bring home with me the better!
Oh – forgot email – [email protected]
I need this Lysol pack because I always have kids at my house from my daughter, her friends, nieces, & nephew… need to keep them ALL healthy! 🙂
jrazbillx at gmail dot com
I need it because it would help my daughter get the right amount of soap to wash her hands on her own
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
I need it because im a low budget college student 🙂
[email protected]
I need this pack because I teach Kindergarten students who are still trying to learn how to cover coughs and blow noses. I am needing to dig a little deeper into my own pockets this year to buy things for my classroom. Thanks for offering this giveaway.
I need this pack for my elementary special education classroom! My aides and I have to care for many of our students' basic needs – diapering, hand washing, nose blowing, etc – and we need to stay healthy to continue doing our jobs! [email protected]
I need this pack for my Kindergarten class because I'm a germ freak.. So I would like to keep my little ones healthy and germ free so they can be in class at all times. Thanks for offering this giveaway it's a big help 🙂 [email protected]
This would be great in my classroom. I wouldn't have to worry about the kids pumping to much soap.
[email protected]
I'd love to try this in my kitchen!
I spend a lot of time with young children.
I would love it for my house!!!
[email protected]
Okay, I have a strange I need this…I need this because I am battling stage IV breast cancer and need to keep the germs down so I can keep teaching!
I would love to have this prize pack because I have 4 children in school (so we bring home alot of germs) and my husband works in a coal mine and shares a truck (so he brings home a lot of dirt and germs).
I would love to have this in my classroom, as there are always so many germs flying around. I am constantly wiping down the desks and other surfaces, when the kids are out of the room.
I hope my post doesn't go twice because I didn't know enter would automatically send but I was trying to say "I need this because a) I'm still in college and have to wear shower shoes (Land of the Germs) b) People often think I have a permanent cold, alllwaaays sick c) I'm known for my gallon-sized hand sanitizer…this would be so much cooler 😉
I work in the life skills class high school definitely would be very useful especially for the students.
This would be great to hang in my bathroom and use the wipes for our countertops
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
I am a first grade teacher, need I say more? 🙂
[email protected]
Little ones + handwashing = dirty hands
Little ones + Lysol No Touch soap system = 99.9% Less Bacteria
[email protected]
this would be great for my classroom and i love it kills most of the bacteria.
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
See comments above…lol 🙂
[email protected]
I would love this for my classroom!!
I would love to win this because I hate germs! It seems like a more fun way to get kids to want to wash up, too! ilikevindiesel(at)
I need this to encourage my kids to always wash. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
Yickes. I teach Kindergarten and would use these products in my classroom.
[email protected]
I love lysol products
[email protected]
These are amazing!! I would love it
I entered the Texas Instrument Giveaway
[email protected]
I need this because my son started school last week and he woke up Sunday night throwing up. The germs have already gotten to him!
reklaw422 at hotmail dot com
My family needs this because I am germphobe
[email protected]
I so need this because I AM the real-life Monk! Germaphobe deluxe! And my son has had MRSA so I am even more paranoid about germs now! And, it is wearing off onto my students too! Yikes!
I am the librarian and I am in contact with every student in the school. Germs are everywhere in our 50+ old school! Lysol Disinfectant Care Kit would be the cure! Our Title 1 school would be very grateful!
I would love to try this product it looks great.
Would love the prize pack to help clean after the messy hands (and paws) in my kitchen!
I would love to have this for my home first because it is from the makers of Lysol who have helped me to always keeps germs at away. And secondly because it is touchless and therefore less mess.
We need it our kitchen for when we have icky hands.
I have an old sick cat who poops or pees or pukes on the floor at least once a day. After I'm done cleaning up I'd love to have this in my bathroom so I can soap up my hands without having to touch anything.
[email protected]
I need this pack to help keep our sink areas clean and ration the amount of soap the kiddos use. 🙂
I need these because my husband's hands always seem to be really dirty (grease, dirt, etc) and when he washes them the soap dispenser get dirty and gross.
Because I have kids!
I need this! I have a two year old and I am currently potty training. This would be so helpful! Thanks…
[email protected]
I need this prize because I work recess duty in a school and am surrounded by kids germs daily.
jenswps at yahoo . com
Very useful for my dorm
[email protected]
*crossing my fingers!* With school starting I really don't want to think about the germs I'm about to meet!!!
[email protected]
I need this to give to my daughter, she is always using germx, maybe if she had something like this she wouldnt be crazy on germx.
I need the Lysol Prize Pack because I have 3 kids going to school this year and this would help lessen the germs around the house for sure, thanks for the chance.
ericka082 At gmail DOT com
School starts on Monday which means colds won't be far behind! Being pregnant I would really rather avoid the colds all together so this could help some!
I teach middle school and they're into everything but don't wash their hands much. I also have a 3 year old at home and teach the 4-5 year old class at church. Basically, I'm surrounded by germs and too busy to be sick.
I use these wipes everyday and this wold save me some money.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
I need this prize pack because my preschooler brings home a lot of germs!
pkbw28 at gmail dot com
I need this after doing poop patrol outside!
[email protected]
I need this prize pack because I teach Kindergarten and wash my hands a million times a day…
[email protected]