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As the school is rapidly approaching (and has already started for some!) families with students in upper level math classes or students headed off to college are looking for the best calculators available. Texas Instruments has just designed their TI-Nspire CX handheld calculator – the first calculator to boast a COLOR display (320 x 240 pixel high resolution)! WOW! This calculator is definitely a new inspirations for what technology can accomplish in the classrooms!
The user can use their own images, and even video to see the data more clearly in a 3D level. Students can explore graphs from multiple points of view which enhances their participation and conceptual understanding. The TI-Nspire CX in its new sleeker profile (perfect for stuffing in bookbags and labtop cases!) comes with a USB battery recharging cable and software. Students are able to gain a better understanding on mathematics by interacting with their TI-Nspire CX handheld and being able to visualize graphs on the calculator in a way that they have never been able to do before!
To be honest it took me so long to get to this review because this calculator is VERY in depth! I’m sure I still have no clue how to work a lot of it, but the opportunities that it offers is absolutely incredible, and hopefully I can at least give you a glimpse of a few things that it can do! As you see above the TI-Nspire CX handheld can be used for interactive computer based class presentations which is an awesome idea to get your students participating in class.
You can separately purchase the TI-Nspire Lab Cradle which is an in-the-field data collection learning tool. I don’t know a whole lot about the schematics of this setup but I can imagine that this would be a fantastic tool in chemistry to help visualize your learning in a whole new way!
Here are a few features of the TI-Nspire CX Handheld:
100 MB Storage Memory (64 MB Operating Memory)
New Thin Design
3D Graphing
Import Images (jpeg, jpg, bmp, png)
Touchpad (like a computer mouse)
Drop Down Menus
Save and Review Options
Student Software
Approved for Standarized Tests
Can use with the TI-Nspire Lab Cradle
Rechargable Battery (included)
The first thing we noticed when we started to use this calculator was that the basic function keys were much easier to spot! Believe it or not we loved this simple aspect!! It made the calculator much more user friendly. The color display was AWESOME! Very very very cool. I can definitely see how having a color display on a calculator would have the potential of being a huge learning resource. Visualizing concepts and graphs in color, and having the ability to segregate data into different colors helps you to not only spot the data you are looking for much quicker, but it also helps to organize your thoughts more quickly so that you can focus on processing the data needed.
I am absolutely astounded at the technological opportunities our high schoolers today have today. I’m scared to think of what type of calculator my kids will be using in college in 15 years!! To think that you can hook these calculators up to a computer and have an interactive classroom participation is mind-blowing, and I haven’t even been out of school that long either!!
You can purchase a TI-Nspire CX handheld on Amazon, Best Buy, OfficeMax, Office Depot, Staples, and Walmart. It’s retail value is $165 which considering you are really buying a mini-computer is not bad! When I started college 10 years ago my Texas Instruments graphing calculator cost $100 and it was NO where near as fancy as this one!
Because there is simply no way for me to possibly include everything about the TI-Nspire CX handheld in this review I wanted to list a few ideas from my media sheets about what you can actually do with this calculator.
Math Concepts Using Photographs
Demonstrate a Circle’s Circumference, Radius, Area
Color and 3D Images of Circles, Ellipses, and Parabolas
Biology and Genetic Lessons
Interactive Periodic Table of Elements
Exploring Atoms in Chemistry
and a TON more!
You can find more information about the TI-Nspire series and all of the software available from Texas Instruments. They have put together some great tutorials and detailed information on their products that will be sure to keep you busy for hours!
I did not know that they hd sensor attachments and lab stations. I have been looking into buying something like this for my class/lab. Our science/math/Ag Ed (me) have considered pooling our budgets to attempt to buy something like this.
Definelty Like TI on facebook and follow on twitter and have been following SOATS on facebook and twitter! What a wonderful giveway to have my last night of fair! 🙂
The TI-lab station looked interesting. My son needs the calculator for class this year. WOuld love to win it. I liked TI and of course you too.
I love Texas Instruments for their Network-Attached Storage. It is so cool to have storage space right on the network instead of having to use a server or computer.
I would like to get my daughter the TI-15 Explorerâ„¢ calculator.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Back2School Bash Mystery School Supplies giveaway.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Back2School Bash $25 giveaway.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Back2School Bash $30 Amazon giveaway.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
They also make clocks and timers.
I entered the Back2School Bash $30 Amazon giveaway.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
TI makes an incredible Vernier EasyData App and Vernier Easy Temperature Sensor for use with the graphing calculator. This would be great to use during science experiments with my students to collect data!
I didn't know TI made dat collection tools to attach to calculators. I teach at an environmental science magnet school and we could really use something like this!
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Hi! 🙂 I seriously have no idea what all those words on the clocks and timers page say, but they sure aren't you normal wall clock with a picture of a flower or cat or something on it. LOL
They also carry Digital Radios for automobiles. dolniaks[at]consolidated[dot]net
Holy Crap! TI makes so much more stuff than I knew! They make stuff for Wireless Connectivity. I think it's all above my head but cool none the less.
hollinsgirl7 (at) gmail (dot) com
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hollinsgirl7 (at) gmail (dot) com
TI also makes data converters! mmw8306(at)yahoo(dot)com
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I DID ALL THOSE 🙂 They do Digital Video Cameras [email protected]
I have a clock TI made I got for Christmas
Digital Signal Processors
I have always used Texas Instruments calculators going through high school and into college! Love them!
How about the TI-Nspire color graphing calculator from Texas Instruments?
The last time I was in the hospital I noticed that their CT Scanners were TI and I had no clue that they made those too! Saw them on the list of medical products too just now so I know it is the same company.
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
Unus Sed Leona follows TI on FB
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
They also make clocks and timers. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I like Texas Instruments on facebook 1. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I like Texas Instruments on facebook 2. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I like you on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Lysol giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
Texas Instrument also makes what basically all the college kids are using..TI-89!
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TI also makes a lab station… TI-Nspireâ„¢ Lab Station. This is very cool and can track multi sensors.
Like TI on facebook.
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I entered the Mystery Box giveaway.
Texas Instruments also makes Audio Converters.
won2xx at gmail dot com
Thank you.
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I recently bought a TI-84 from Texas Instruments as I just started college. However, I really wanted to buy a TI-Nspire, but it was just too expensive. Hopefully, I can get one for free here! =)
DanielJamesTemporary at gmail dot com
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I never really knew that Texas Instrument made so many different things! Most of the things were above my head, but I never knew they made clocks and registers! [email protected]
They also make a Broadband RF/IF & Digital Radio. calvad at aol dot com
I had a hard time finding products that were applicable to me on the TI website but the application diagrams we interesting so I found one of those. U502 Time Base Oscillator for rtc IC.
Texas Instruments LED lighting can be used for cool photography in & out of the classroom. If you grab that tripod and keep the shutter open you can capture 'light painting' and amaze the world.
Wow… thanks Texas Instruments. You can inspire the photographers and artists of tomorrow in our classrooms every day!
They also make CT scanners and blood pressure monitors.
I never realized they made so many different products! They also make clocks and radios.
Tandt625 at hotmail dot com
they also have the ADS58C20 – Dual Channel IF BTS Receiver with Signal Processing for multi-mode 3G+LTE+GSM
1 like ti on facebook kathy l pease kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com
2 like ti on facebook kathy l pease kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com
1 like you on facebook kathy l pease kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com
2 like you on facebook kathy l pease kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com
They also have DLP Projectors.
TPA6040A4 – 2-W Stereo Audio Power Amplifier with DirectPath(TM) Headphone and Regulator ACTIVE Audio Subsystem Stereo Stereo is something else they make discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
Like TI Sherry Conrad discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
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Twitter TI 2 discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
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Twitter dddiva discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
I didn't know they make clocks and timers
s2s2 at comcast dot net
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follow Texas Instruments via twitter susan1215
follow Texas Instruments via twitter susan1215 #2
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audio amplifiers
awesome giveaway! my teen needs one of these bad!!! kendraco22 at yahoo dot com thanks!!!
TI on twitter kendra22007 kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
2 TI twitter kendra22007 kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
follow u twitter kendra22007 kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
I love the DLP Pico projector. I would love it for my classroom, it's so small and wouldn't take up any room. I can't believe a projector can be so small.
I found this and would love it! TPA0172 – Stereo Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Stereo Headphone Drive and I2C Control
They make DLP HDTVs and I would love to have their Mitsubishi WD-65735
brich22 at earthlink dot net
like them fb 1 richard hicks brich22 at earthlink dot net
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entered Candyland: The Great Lollipop Adventure Prize Pack Giveaway
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entered Del Monte's Teacher Monday GIVEAWAY for TEACHERS
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entered LUNA Protein Bars – Great for on the GO!! Review and Giveaway
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entered Goosebumps Adventures DVD Prize Pack Giveaway!!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
entered Going Back to School – Gluten Free! + Udi's Back to School GIVEAWAY!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
i followed and liked surviving, a teachers salary and [email protected]
i cant wait to use thei calcu-awsome with the Real Time 32 bit Microcontroller C2000!! it might take me sometime to perfect but im jumping in my seat to win!! [email protected]
the also make Temperature Sensors & Control ICs
chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
They also make processors. ladyt64 at gmail dot com
I Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter. ladyt64 Entry #1 ladyt64 at gmail dot com
I Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter. ladyt64 Entry #2 ladyt64 at gmail dot com
Ooooo Ooooo!!!
I didn't know TI made audio amplifiers!
[email protected]
I liked TI on facebook!
[email protected]
I like surviving on a teacher's salary on facebook!!
[email protected]
I have entered 4 or 5 other Giveaways from your blog!
[email protected]
I'm drooling over this calculator!!!!!
[email protected]
TI also makes clocks and timers! [email protected]
I liked TI on facebook!
Liked TI on FB!
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Following you on Twitter!
Liked TI on Facebook
Hi-fi headphone amplifiers…wow!
[email protected]
I remember when I was a little girl I had a little red computer that taught me grammar, spelling, etc.
[email protected]
Liked Surviving on a Teachers Salary on Facebook!
Follow TI on Twitter!
Following Surviving on a Teachers Salary on Twitter!
TI also makes clocks
And have been entering the Back 2 school giveaways already!
By the way, I really would love to win this calculator, can you tell???
I also likes TI on Facebook
[email protected]
TI makes Processors
Digital Signal Processors (DSP)
Microcontrollers (MCU)
Way over my head IT stuff!!
But I do love their calculators one of the oldest ones I have is from when I was in college!! Still works GREAT!!
Karen [email protected]
I did not know that they hd sensor attachments and lab stations. I have been looking into buying something like this for my class/lab. Our science/math/Ag Ed (me) have considered pooling our budgets to attempt to buy something like this.
Definelty Like TI on facebook and follow on twitter and have been following SOATS on facebook and twitter! What a wonderful giveway to have my last night of fair! 🙂
[email protected]
I like STS on FB!
Karen [email protected]
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TI makes a view screen panel too. Very cool. [email protected]
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I like TI FB page!
Karen [email protected]
I entered the Mystery Box Giveawy
Karen [email protected]
I entered the mini mystery school supply giveaway
Karen [email protected]
I live my TI89 calculator!! Got my thru college! Also liked surviving a teachers salary on Facebook!
I love this page. I read it and Facebook everyday.
[email protected]
I love this page. I read it and Facebook everyday.
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Well the DLP HDTV of course!!!
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Now following SATS (The Teacher's Wife) on twitter!
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I visited Texas Instruments' website. In addition to calculators, they also make microcontrollers.
I like Texas Instruments on Facebook.
I like Surviving a Teacher's Salary on Facebook.
I visited Texas Instruments' website. In addition to calculators, they also make microcontrollers.
[email protected]
TI 83 and TI 84!
In addition to calculators they make TI-Nspireâ„¢ Navigatorâ„¢ Systems
I Like Surviving a Teachers Salary on Facebook as Kelly Ann T.
I entered your MYSTERY School Supply Box giveaway
Texas Instruments has a real time clock I would like to have.
I could use a new calculator to replace my vintage 1970's slide rule.
Hope to win!
[email protected]
I also entered the Peaceable Kingdom Back 2 School Bash giveaway!
[email protected]
I also entered the Texas Instruments Back 2 School Bash giveaway!
[email protected]
The TI-lab station looked interesting. My son needs the calculator for class this year. WOuld love to win it. I liked TI and of course you too.
I love Texas Instruments for their Network-Attached Storage. It is so cool to have storage space right on the network instead of having to use a server or computer.
[email protected]
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3.3-V Dual PLL MultiClock Generator (Rev. A) (PDF 354363 KB)
They make this…..whatever it is…LOL
[email protected]
I LOVE you on Facebook….I mean LIKE….:)
They also make Ultra Low Power, Rail to Rail Out, Negative Rail In, VFB Amplifier.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Follow you on Twitter: rhoneygee
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I learned that they make Clock Circuits
Please feel free to contact me at – sales4545 at gmail dot com
I am following them on Twitter 😀 @TimboSquad
Please feel free to contact me at – sales4545 at gmail dot com
Post 1
I am following them on Twitter 😀 @TimboSquad
Please feel free to contact me at – sales4545 at gmail dot com
Post 2
I am following you on Twitter 😀 @TimboSquad
Please feel free to contact me at – sales4545 at gmail dot com
they also make data convertors
[email protected]
entered tassimo giveaway
[email protected]
I would like to get my daughter the TI-15 Explorerâ„¢
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Back2School Bash Mystery School Supplies giveaway.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Back2School Bash $25 giveaway.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Back2School Bash $30 Amazon giveaway.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
They also make clocks and timers.
I entered the Back2School Bash $30 Amazon giveaway.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
TI makes an incredible Vernier EasyData App and Vernier Easy Temperature Sensor for use with the graphing calculator. This would be great to use during science experiments with my students to collect data!
[email protected]
I "Liked" Texas Instruments on FB!
[email protected]
I am following Texas Instruments on Twitter…
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I "Like" Surviving a Teacher's Salary on FB! And I practice what you preach! 🙂
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[email protected]
TI also makes clocks.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Digital signal processors
dwarzel at
They make clocks.
They also make Temperature Sensors & Control ICs
Thanks so much
I LIKE Texas Instruments on Facebook (Margaret E. Smith)
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I LIKE Texas Instruments on Facebook (Margaret E. Smith)
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I'm a FB friend (Margaret E. SMith)
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They make applications for their products.
[email protected]
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I like TI on FB
[email protected]
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[email protected]
TI also makes digital radio set-ups for vehicles!
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Followed TI on twitter!
I followed Surviving on a Teacher's Salary on twitter! =)
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TI also makes Audio Converters, such as Audio ADC, Audio CODEC, and Audio DAC! Who knew! (Mandatory Entry)
I like Surviving a Teacher's Salary on Facebook.
[email protected]
I liked Texas Instruments on Facebook
[email protected]
I didn't know TI made dat collection tools to attach to calculators. I teach at an environmental science magnet school and we could really use something like this!
[email protected]
Wow so many things
THey make a video doorbell and baby monitor
[email protected]
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kathy persons
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kathy persons
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kathy persons
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They also make DLP HDTV's
[email protected]
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Hi! 🙂 I seriously have no idea what all those words on the clocks and timers page say, but they sure aren't you normal wall clock with a picture of a flower or cat or something on it. LOL
[email protected]
already following TI on Facebook, #1
[email protected]
already following TI on Facebook, #2
[email protected]
already following TI on Twitter, #1
[email protected]
already following TI on Twitter, #21
[email protected]
and entered the giveaway…
[email protected]
and the USB drive one too! 🙂
[email protected]
TI makes Operational Amplifiers, Audio Amplifiers, and Other Linear Solutions. Had no idea!
[email protected]
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I entered the "Sunny Days" Back to School giveaway.
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I entered the "BIC" Back to School giveaway.
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I entered the "Dado Squares" Back to School giveaway.
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I entered the "Mystery Box" Back to School giveaway.
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I entered the "Insect Lore" Back to School giveaway.
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I entered the "Cooperative Games" Back to School giveaway.
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I entered the "Inchimals" Back to School giveaway.
[email protected]
I've been looking all over for a calculator like this one! Great giveaway!
[email protected]
Fallowing on Twitter [email protected]
I like the DLP Pico Handheld projector- it would be a lot of fun! [email protected]
I like Texas Instruments on FB!
I like Texas Instruments on FB! #2
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I entered the mystery box giveaway!
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I entered the unusual basket giveaway!
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I entered the insect lore giveaway!
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I entered the ebeanstalk giveaway!
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I entered the inchimals giveaway!
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I entered the finger paint giveaway!
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I entered the mary kay giveaway!
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I entered the classroom pencil sharpener giveaway! [email protected]
I enteered the peaceable kingdom giveaway! [email protected]
I entered the ouchies jr. giveaway!
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I entered the giveaway!
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I entered the back to the roots giveaway! [email protected]
I entered the cash n carry giveaway! [email protected]
I entered the xacto giveaway!
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i entered the human body poster giveaway! [email protected]
I entered the amazon code giveaway!
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I entered the batter up game giveaway! [email protected]
I entered the kabam game giveaway!
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I entered the baskin robbins giveaway! [email protected]
I entered the dado squares giveaway! [email protected]
I entered the twig terranium giveaway! [email protected]
I entered the usa bingo giveaway!
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I entered the smartphone case giveaway! [email protected]
Would love this!
[email protected]
I never knew they made so much! They also make Microcontrollers!
I like TI on facebook!
I follow TI on twitter! @prismperfect
I follow you on twitter! @prismperfect
I like TI on facebook!
Entry #2
I follow TI on twitter! @prismperfect
Entry #2
TI also makes processors.
[email protected]
I LIKE Surviving a Teachers Salary on FB!
[email protected]
They make a Ultra-Low-Power MSP430 Microcontroller!
[email protected]
liked on facebook! (lauren cook)
Like surviving a teachers salary on FB! Lauren Cook
TI also makes ANT plus Bluetooth dual-mode, single-chip module !
TI also makes RF Synthesizers.
[email protected]
I like TI on FB.
[email protected]
I like you on FB.
[email protected]
I entered the Inchimals giveaway.
[email protected]
I entered the Xacto TeacherPro Electric Sharpener giveaway.
I like the ZigBee low power wireless chips
They also make processors!
heatherc191 at gmail dot com
I like TI calculators on FB as Heather Crapsey
heatherc191 at gmail dot com
I like TI calculators on FB as Heather Crapsey
heatherc191 at gmail dot com
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heatherc191 at gmail dot com
I follow TI on Twitter as HeatherC19
heatherc191 at gmail dot com
I like Surviving a teachers salary on Fb as Heather Crapsey
heatherc191 at gmail dot com
I follow The Teachers Wife on Twitter as HeatherC19
heatherc191 at gmail dot com
They also make audio amplifiers.
jenncdhs at hotmail dot com
They also have audio ampliphers.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Hi-fi headphone amplifiers. [email protected]
They make clocks and timers.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
follow you on twitter @5memb
monster6236 at gmail dot com
Clock and Timer Solutions with Phase Locked Loops, Clock Circuits, Synthesizers
reallycool3108 at yahoo dot com
free – movies – on – line . com
I also like the clocks they make
bamagv at aol dot com
I like TI on FB #1
bamagv at aol dot com
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bamagv at aol dot com
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bamagv at aol dot com
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bamagv at aol dot com
Entered the Mystery School box giveaway also
bamagv at aol dot com
Entered the Tassimo giveaway also
bamagv at aol dot com
Entered the Peaceable Kingdom giveaway also
Entered the Amazon gift card giveaway also
bamagv at aol dot com
Entered the States/Capitals bingo giveaway also
Entered Numenko giveaway also
bamagv at aol dot com
Nice! I had no idea they also made clocks, timers, and amplifiers!
[email protected]
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i follow you on twitter @pittsy82
[email protected]
They also carry Digital Radios for automobiles.
Holy Crap! TI makes so much more stuff than I knew! They make stuff for Wireless Connectivity. I think it's all above my head but cool none the less.
hollinsgirl7 (at) gmail (dot) com
Following you on Twitter
hollinsgirl7 (at) gmail (dot) com
TI also makes data converters!
Following survivng a teachers salary on twitter
Following TI on twitter!
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*Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter
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They do Digital Video Cameras
[email protected]
I have a clock TI made I got for Christmas
Digital Signal Processors
I have always used Texas Instruments calculators going through high school and into college! Love them!
How about the TI-Nspire color graphing calculator from Texas Instruments?
[email protected]
Headphone Amps
They make…Cell Phone Projectors
jean dot fischer at snet dot net
they make portable amplifiers
[email protected]
They make a great alarm clocks and timers also very cool
*LIKE Texas Instruments on Facebook Pat Lamb
*Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter @peggysue753
*Like Surviving a Teachers Salary on Facebook Pat Lamb
*Follow Surviving a Teachers Salary on Twitter @peggysue753
One interesting product is the PurePath Wireless 2.4 GHz RF SoC for wireless digital audio streaming.
gfc follower
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Entered your Kingston usb giveaway.
Entered your Amazon giveaway.
Entered your Baskin Robbins giveaway.
Entered your X-ACTO giveaway.
Entered your giveaway.
Entered your Pexagon Tech giveaway.
Entered your Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener giveaway.
Entered your Peaceable Kingdom giveaway.
Wow, they make things that I didn't even know existed! For my answer I'll pick semiconductors.
[email protected]
I really like their clocks and timers… Did not know they made these… 🙂
I "like" TI on facebook and also Surviving a teachers salary.
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Switches and Multiplexers
[email protected]
TI-15 Explorerâ„¢
TI-Nspire CAS Teacher Software with TI-SmartViewâ„¢
[email protected]
TI makes their standard TI-83 Graphing Calculator. The standard for us Texans 🙂
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like the TI slim CX
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
tw them as jacksondeb
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fblke u as
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
twu as jacksondeb
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
gfc debijackson
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
ent dino train
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
ent lysol gw
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
ent candyland gw
Debbie Jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I never knew they made so many different products. Like amplifiers. Who knew?
[email protected]
I follow TI on facebook #1
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I visited TI and found out that they also make DLP Interactive Projectors!
Following @TXInstruments on twitter @annedoggett
Following @TXInstruments on twitter @annedoggett
Following @TheTeachersWife on twitter
[email protected]
The last time I was in the hospital I noticed that their CT Scanners were TI and I had no clue that they made those too! Saw them on the list of medical products too just now so I know it is the same company.
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
Unus Sed Leona follows TI on FB
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
They also make clocks and timers. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I like Texas Instruments on facebook 1. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I like Texas Instruments on facebook 2. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I like you on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Lysol giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
They also make portable amps
[email protected]
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I follow TI on Twitter
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[email protected]
Texas Instrument also makes what basically all the college kids are using..TI-89!
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April Eom-Facebook
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Followed TI- twitter: geetarnub
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Facebook-April Eom liked.
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Followed- twitter: Geetarnub
TI also makes a lab station…
TI-Nspireâ„¢ Lab Station. This is very cool and can track multi sensors.
Like TI on facebook.
Like TI on FB #2.
I Follow SATS on FB.
I entered the Mystery Box giveaway.
Texas Instruments also makes Audio Converters.
won2xx at gmail dot com
Thank you.
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Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter (@won2x).
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I recently bought a TI-84 from Texas Instruments as I just started college. However, I really wanted to buy a TI-Nspire, but it was just too expensive. Hopefully, I can get one for free here! =)
DanielJamesTemporary at gmail dot com
I liked TI Calculators on Facebook!
DanielJamesTemporary at gmail dot com
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DanielJamesTemporary at gmail dot com
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DanielJamesTemporary at gmail dot com
I followed Surviving a Teachers Salary on Twitter.
DanielJamesTemporary at gmail dot com
I never really knew that Texas Instrument made so many different things! Most of the things were above my head, but I never knew they made clocks and registers!
[email protected]
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[email protected]
I liked Surviving a Teacher's Salary on FB
[email protected]
I entered the Lysol Disinfectant Care Kit Giveaway
[email protected]
I entered the candyland giveaway
[email protected]
TI also makes processors for computers. I liked you and TI on FB (Bipple Sheen), followed on twitter (@BrianIMdiesel). Email: [email protected]
Love the calculator, would be great for my Macroeconomics class this coming semester.
They sell Real Time Clocks.
amybabya79 at
I like TI on Fb. Amy CArlson
amybabya79 at
I like TI on FB. Amy Carlson
I like TI on Twitter.
amybabya79 at
I like TI on Twitter @ambabya
amybabya79 at
I like you on FB. Amy Carlson
amybabya79 at
I follow you on Twitter. @ambabya
amybabya79 at
TI makes clocks, who knew??
they also have an RF Synthesizers
trippyjanet at gmail dot com
They also make various clocks and timers, but they are NOT alarm clocks!
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
They make TI made audio amplifiers.
[email protected]
*Follow Surviving a Teachers Salary on Twitter @ekieu
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*LIKE Texas Instruments on Facebook [ eva kieu ]
[email protected]
Udi's Gluten Free Back to School Prize Pack
[email protected]
Candyland Prize Pack
[email protected]
they also make clocks and timers
[email protected]
I like Texas Instruments on Facebook
[email protected]
They also make TI-Navigator Classroom Learning System.
Liked Texas Instruments (TI) Calculators on FB: Hoa Le
Liked Texas Instruments (TI) Calculators on FB: Hoa Le
Following @TXInstruments on Twitter @hle123.
Following @TXInstruments on Twitter @hle123.
Liked Surviving a Teachers Salary on FB: Hoa Le
Following @TheTeachersWife on Twitter @hle123.
Texas Instruments makes the Optoma PK301 DLP Pico Projector.
TI makes switches and multiplexers.
they make audio amps debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fblike them as debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fblike them2 as debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
tw them as jacksondeb debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
tw them2 as jacksondeb debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fblikeu as debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
twu as jacksondeb debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
They make Clocks & Timers.
I like the E-bike! neat stuff
sweetsilk at gmail com
TI makes Clocks….who knew?
I learned that Texas Instruments also sells a variety of DLP Projectors.
I am a fan of Texas instruments via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am a fan of Texas Instruments via Facebook as Jill Myrick. #2
I am following Texas Instruments via Twitter as jlsc123.
I am following Texas Instruments via Twitter as jlsc123. #2
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.
TI also makes clocks and timers! I use one of their timers at work! 🙂 Thanks!!!
omegadoom1 at gmail dot com
I like TI on Facebook
Alan Tong
I like TI on Facebook
Alan Tong
I follow TI on twitter,
I follow TI on twitter,
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Alan Tong
They also make Clocks and Timers
[email protected]
Liked Texas Instruments (TI) Calculators on FB (AngelaWinesburg)
[email protected]
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Following TXInstruments via Twitter (@Hotsnotty2), Thanks! 2
[email protected]
They make infrared temperature sensors.
[email protected]
I like Texas Instruments on Facebook. (Marcia Goss) #1
[email protected]
I like Texas Instruments on Facebook. (Marcia Goss) #2
[email protected]
I follow Texas Instruments on Twitter @mgoss123. #1
[email protected]
I follow Texas Instruments on Twitter @mgoss123. #2
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I like you on Facebook.
(Marcia Goss)
[email protected]
I follow you on Twitter @mgoss123.
[email protected]
They also make a Broadband RF/IF & Digital Radio. calvad at aol dot com
I had a hard time finding products that were applicable to me on the TI website but the application diagrams we interesting so I found one of those. U502 Time Base Oscillator for rtc IC.
[email protected]
They make temperture sensors
follow you onf b as charline stanley
Followed you via twitter as @Lloth
they make clocks
[email protected]
1- i like Texas Instruments on Facebook(michelle morris
[email protected]
2- i like Texas Instruments on Facebook(michelle morris
[email protected]
1- I Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter (rawr3410)
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2- I Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter (rawr3410)
[email protected]
i Like Surviving a Teachers Salary on Facebook (michelle morris)
[email protected]
I Follow Surviving a Teachers Salary on Twitter (rawr3410)
[email protected]
I never knew they made clocks. hanovertomato at yahoo dot com
Audio amplifiers seem pretty cool.
[email protected]
Liked texas instruments on Facebook
[email protected]
They also make clocks and timers.
[email protected]
I liked the Davici Clock.
I liked on FB and followed on twitter.
I would love to give this to my mom as she is a teacher and it would make a great gift for her work.
sweepstakeswin84 (at)
I never knew a calculator like this even existed WOW. They also make Digital Signal Processors & ARM Microprocessors.
ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
I like Texas Instruments (TI) Calculators on fb #1
Ericka K
ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
I like Texas Instruments (TI) Calculators on fb #2
Ericka K
ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
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ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
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ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
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Ericka K
ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
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ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
DLP Pico Projection
I like them on FB!#1
I like them on FB!
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I follow them on twitter!
I follow you on twitter!
TI also makes clocks
[email protected]
I liked TI on FB as Katie Sweeps
[email protected]
I liked Surviving A Teacher's Salary on FB as Katie Sweeps
[email protected]
they make antennas! my email address is laureneshapiro at gmail . com
TI also makes elementary calculators.
jenswps at yahoo . com
I like you on FB (Jennifer B C)
jenswps at yahoo . com
TI offers a selection of RF/IF Digital Radios who knew?
[email protected]
I like TI on facebook, name ana gonzalez
[email protected]
I like TI on facebook, name ana gonzalez
[email protected]
Follows TI on twitter @anagonzalez1224
[email protected]
Follows TI on twitter @anagonzalez1224
[email protected]
Likes Survivng a teachers salary on facebook name: ana gonzalez
[email protected]
Follows Surviving a Teachers Salary on Twitter @anagonzalez1224
[email protected]
They also have timers, sweepmorey at gmail dot com
I like TI on fb Jammie M #1
I like TI on fb Jammie M #2
I like you on fb Jammie M
entered the lysol giveaway
[email protected]
I follow you on twitter Jammie79
they make dlp projectors
[email protected]
Like Texas Instruments on FB as catherine l. petersen peters
[email protected] #1
Like Texas Instruments on FB as catherine l. petersen peters
[email protected] #2
like surviving a teacher's salary on fb as catherine l. petersen peters
[email protected]
They also make Data Converters!
s_k_rox at hotmail dot com
I like the DaVinci clocks too!
[email protected]
I didn't know they made pocket projectors!
[email protected]
I already follow TI on facebook and twitter but I found that TI also makes microcontrollers. Makes sense.
texas instruments also makes clocks…i did not know that 🙂
[email protected]
liked texas instruments on facebook entry #1
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liked texas instruments on facebook entry #2
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following ti on twitter entry #1
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following ti on twitter entry #2
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liked surviving a teacher on facebook
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following the teachers wife on twitter
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Texas Instruments LED lighting can be used for cool photography in & out of the classroom. If you grab that tripod and keep the shutter open you can capture 'light painting' and amaze the world.
Wow… thanks Texas Instruments. You can inspire the photographers and artists of tomorrow in our classrooms every day!
They also make CT scanners and blood pressure monitors.
[email protected]
Like Texas Intstruments on FB!
[email protected]
#2 Like TI on Facebook!
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Like Surviving a Teacher's Salary on FB!
[email protected]
audio amplifiers are really cool
they make dlp projectors
[email protected]
Follow you on Twitter as @whitneylindeman
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liked ti on fb
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#2 liked ti on fb
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ti twitter follow xbabygurlx33060
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#2 twitter follow xbabygurlx33060
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twitter follow you xbabygurlx33060
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I didn't know they had so many products like audio or wireless connectivity. holli.moore(at)
OMG I would love to win this!!!
Email is [email protected]
Liked TI on facebook!!! I hope I win!
Followed TI on twitter!! Please let me win!!!/JayKenig
I liked surviving a teachers salary on facebook!! If it helps Ill totally dance if I win!
Followed surviving a teachers salary on twitter!! To late I already started dancing at the chance to win!!!/JayKenig
I never realized they made so many different products! They also make clocks and radios.
Tandt625 at hotmail dot com
they also have the ADS58C20 – Dual Channel IF BTS Receiver with Signal Processing for multi-mode 3G+LTE+GSM
1 like ti on facebook kathy l pease
2 like ti on facebook kathy l pease
1 like you on facebook kathy l pease
2 like you on facebook kathy l pease
They also have DLP Projectors.
TPA6040A4 – 2-W Stereo Audio Power Amplifier with DirectPath(TM) Headphone and Regulator
ACTIVE Audio Subsystem Stereo Stereo is something else they make
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
Like TI Sherry Conrad
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
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discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
Twitter TI dddiva
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
Twitter TI 2
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
Like you Sherry Conrad
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
Twitter dddiva
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
I didn't know they make clocks and timers
s2s2 at comcast dot net
LIKE Texas Instruments on Facebook
Susan Smith
LIKE Texas Instruments on Facebook
Susan Smith #2
follow Texas Instruments via twitter susan1215
follow Texas Instruments via twitter susan1215 #2
Like you on FB Susan Smith
follow you via twitter susan1215
audio amplifiers
awesome giveaway! my teen needs one of these bad!!!
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
TI on twitter kendra22007
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
TI twitter kendra22007
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
follow u twitter kendra22007
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
I love the DLP Pico projector. I would love it for my classroom, it's so small and wouldn't take up any room. I can't believe a projector can be so small.
I found this and would love it!
TPA0172 – Stereo Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Stereo Headphone Drive and I2C Control
[email protected]
They also make Ultra Low Power DSP
I had no idea they made so many medical equipment – like MRI machines!!
faithhopelove20 at gmail dot com
I like Texas Instruments on facebook! #1
I like Texas Instruments on facebook! #2
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I follow Texas Instruments on twitter (faithhopelove20) #2
I like Surviving a Teachers Salary on facebook (Michelle Cain)
I'm following you on twitter!! (faithhopelove20)
i did realize that TI still made processors
[email protected]
i like texas instruments on facebook
James C
[email protected]
i like texas instruments on facebook entry 2
James C
[email protected]
i follow texas instruments on twitter entry 1
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
TI also makes clocks and timers.
[email protected]
I liked TI Instruments fan page on Facebook.
[email protected]
I liked Surviving a Teachers Salary's fan page on Facebook.
[email protected]
They make DLP HDTVs and I would love to have their Mitsubishi WD-65735
brich22 at earthlink dot net
like them fb 1
richard hicks
brich22 at earthlink dot net
like them fb 2
richard hicks
brich22 at earthlink dot net
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richard hicks
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brich22 at earthlink dot net
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brich22 at earthlink dot net
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brich22 at earthlink dot net
entered Candyland: The Great Lollipop Adventure Prize Pack Giveaway
brich22 at earthlink dot net
entered Del Monte's Teacher Monday GIVEAWAY for TEACHERS
brich22 at earthlink dot net
entered LUNA Protein Bars – Great for on the GO!! Review and Giveaway
brich22 at earthlink dot net
entered Goosebumps Adventures DVD Prize Pack Giveaway!!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
entered Going Back to School – Gluten Free! + Udi's Back to School GIVEAWAY!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
i followed and liked surviving, a teachers salary and
[email protected]
i cant wait to use thei calcu-awsome with the Real Time 32 bit Microcontroller C2000!! it might take me sometime to perfect but im jumping in my seat to win!!
[email protected]
the also make Temperature Sensors & Control ICs
chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
They also make processors.
ladyt64 at gmail dot com
I Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter. ladyt64 Entry #1
ladyt64 at gmail dot com
I Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter. ladyt64 Entry #2
ladyt64 at gmail dot com
They make an awesome keyboard.
[email protected]
I follow you on Twitter. ladyt64 Entry #1
ladyt64 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter. ladyt64 Entry #2
ladyt64 at gmail dot com
Texas instruments makes audio amplifiers.
[email protected]
Texas instruments makes TI 83 calculators
[email protected]
Like on Facebook patricia d
[email protected]
Like on Facebook #2
[email protected]
Following on TWitter @pdiffy1991
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[email protected]
They also make DLP 3D Ready Projectors
I Follow Texas Instruments on Twitter 1
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Following you on TWitter @pdiffy1991
[email protected]
Entered Candyland sweepstake
[email protected]
Texas instruments makes processors
[email protected]
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Following TI on Twitter @gwett1
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Like you on FAcebook Ann JOnes
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DaVinci Digital Video Processor
They make Hi-fi headphones amplifiers. [email protected]
I like Texas Instruments on Facebook. [email protected]
I like Surviving a Teacher's Salary on Facebook. [email protected]
They make portable amplifiers.
I liked TI and Surviving a Teacher's Salary Facebook pages.
TI also makes clocks!
[email protected]
I didn't know that TI made DLP Pico Projectors at all!
I LIKE Texas Instruments on Facebook #1