Lost Puppies Cooperative Learning Game
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Lost Puppies, a new game that has just been launched by Peaceable Kingdom Press
, is a brightly colored game geared for ages 5+ years old. The great thing about this game? There is NO reading required so any age or reading level can play! The other great thing is- it’s a cooperative learning game!
What exactly is a cooperative learning game?
The object of Lost Puppies is simply to get the lost puppies home! This cooperative game offers 3 different sets of instructions for varying levels of play. To be honest I thought this game was a lot more difficult to understand than the other games. I love the look of the game and the idea, but the directions seem to be a little confusing. All of the cards are supposed to be turned face down on the homes & squares of the board. Players take turns flipping cards over looking for lost puppies and trying to make an open way home. If a night card (card with a star on it) turns up then the child is supposed to match it with it’s corresponding number on the board. If a flashlight or take a peek card is flipped over that card can be put to the side to use later. These cards can later be used to remove or take a peek under night cards. This is a game about strategy.
As an added plus- this game, as well as Peaceable Kingdom Press’s other Cooperative Learning Games are all printed with FSC papers and soy-based inks. It’s 100% green!
We recommend Peaceable Kingdom Press’ cooperative learning games. They are a fantastic and proven way to help teach your children and students how to cooperative and work together as a team towards a common goal. This is a lesson many children today have not learned. Playing these games are a fun way for children to positively enforce this lesson.
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this review. All opinions are mine & the teachers involved. I received a game in order to form my own opinions for this review.