Breast Cancer Awareness Month from @PGEveryday #PGBestDefense

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You know, just yesterday my husband and I were talking about breast cancer and how it seems to me that our younger friends are popping up with it. One of my college girlfriends got it in her early 20’s and although there is a lot of awareness about it we wondered why doctors weren’t checking younger women too. It seemed fitting that I partner with P&G’s Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign because chances are you know someone that has battled breast cancer too!

Did you know that 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in her lifetime?!

That’s CRAZY! Think about it – I can easily list 8 women in our extended family. I can easily list 8 female teachers without blinking an eye – that number is SO high! I’ve just hit 30 years old an I already know people younger than I am who have battled breast cancer! I’ve known many women who have beat this cancer, but I’ve also lost some friends to it too. And it’s not just women – men can get breast cancer too! I care about my friends and I care about my readers too, please don’t take this lightly. Look at the resources that are out there and protect yourself the best you can and support others by sharing this with them.

The P&G Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign has partnered with The National Breast Cancer Foundation to both educated men and women about this disease and also to teach the importance of early detection. Early detection is the best defense at fighting breast cancer! (when detected early the 5 year survival rate is 98%!) The NBCF has an Early Detection Plan App too that can help you track and remember to do exams. I love that P&G even has a site where their employees give personal testimonies of breast cancer experiences. For more stories and resources follow P&G on Facebook and @PGEveryday on Twitter.

Twitter Party Time!

Join the Twitter Party!
We’ll be chatting with @PGeveryday and special guest  @CoreyWootton about the importance of creating an early detection plan, and rallying the women in your life to do the same.

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