School Supplies Giveaway by the Kurtz Bros.

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Disclosure: I received nothing for this giveaway. All prizes responsible for by Kurtz Bros. Let's Make something giveaway

Recently the Kurtz Bros contacted me offering a fun school supplies giveaway for you guys and I know there are plenty of you teachers and homeschool parents out there that could always use some extra supplies in your closets! You can visit their site at which has school supplies, closeouts, A+ pricing bins and more! This giveaway is open to anyone in the USA and ends at 10PM CST on 2/13/15. One random winner will receive what is in the photo above which is:

1 packs off white construction paper

Just leave a comment below letting me know WHY you NEED to win! 🙂


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  1. Chasity sharp says:

    My 3rd grade students LOVE to create! We are currently reading a new book and creating art projects based on our reading. Also the art center is the #1 indoor recess station in my classroom!

    1. Shawn Osborne says:

      I’m a teacher at a charter school on Detroit and i would love to be able to do more creative projects with my students. Kindergarten is the first lasting impression many of them have about school and learning and with more supplies i can make sure that a joy and love for learning begins to bloom and last forever!

      Shawn Osborne

    2. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thank you for entering to win! Good luck!

    3. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thank you for entering! Good luck!

  2. My husband and I want to start a free after-school program to help local families in need. We are working on forming a non-profit while collecting supplies from everywhere we can find them. This looks AMAZING–thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Your after-school program sounds like a wonderful idea! Thanks for entering to win! Good Luck!

  3. Tammy Sebesta says:

    I teach in a title 1 school, we are always in need!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Title 1 is such an awesome program! Thanks for entering to win! Good luck!

  4. As a preschool teacher, these supplies are always in high demand and not always affordable.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck! Preschool is such a fun age to teach!

  5. I have two toddlers, one of whom will be attending preschool for the first time in the Fall. We are trying to survive on the teaching salary of just my husband. I tutor as much as I can, but times are tight!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  6. Courtney Smith says:

    I am a kindergarten teacher and we got through so many school supplies. If is hard to constantly replace things the students break or finish. I can’t always afford to buy what we need at that moment. This would be very appreciated by a wonderful group of 5 and 6 year olds, and their teacher.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thank you for entering! Good Luck!

  7. Bridgette says:

    I teach 2nd grade in a high poverty school. 98% of our students receive free and reduced lunch. I am constantly having to buy supplies needed for a different activities. This would help us tremendously!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      You sound like a great teacher keep up the good work! Thank you for entering to win! Good Luck!

  8. As a preschool teacher, I find art supplies in great demand. I 18 children spend much of their time at the art table making creative masterpieces. This bundle would be great to have extra supplies on hand.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck, and thank you for entering to win!

  9. Allyson F. says:

    I’m an itinerant teacher for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing. Working in multiple schools means I don’t have usually access to supplies in them… unless they’re my own! Plus I’ve got 3 year old twins that love art projects too

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  10. Melissa L says:

    I am a first year teacher for 18 sweet Kindergarteners! All supplies come out of my own pocket. Would love to have these to use with my kinders!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thank you for entering and good luck! Glad to hear that you have 18 sweeties!!

  11. I am a new teacher that needs to begin stocking up my classroom 🙂

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  12. Nancy Potter says:

    I would love this for my Exploring Business & Marketing class. If you can believe…even with all the technology available, when I ask the 9th grade students if they want to make a poster for a particular chapter, it is a unanimous YES! It cracks me up how much they get into using markers, glue, colored paper, etc.! 🙂

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      That’s wonderful to hear!! Thank you for entering and good luck!

  13. Elizabeth J. says:

    Would love to win these supplies for my kids teachers! Thanks for the great giveaway!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  14. This would be a nice little gift to leave for my substitute while I’m out on maternity leave in about 4 weeks :)!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thanks for entering and good luck! Congratulations on the little bundle on the way!

  15. With 5 kids school supplies are rough on top of clothing purchases and other necessities especially for a single momma.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!!

  16. Martina Kull says:

    I would like to win these supplies for my kindergarten classroom. Things are so much better in Kindergarten when they are colorful and full of glitter!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Colorful and glitter is the best! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  17. Michelle Z says:

    I need to win this prize pack because I was just hired as an Elementary Library Aide and I have been trying to do projects with the children, the last lLibrary Aide did not do this, so I have very little supplies. The principal walked into my room this morning and asked if she could hug me, I said “sure” she said, “you have a project hanging in the hall and I love it”. So winning this prize pack would be a huge beginning to many more fun projects to do in my Library!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Projects are great for all ages!! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  18. jhonna petrancosta says:

    I teach at a Title 1 school on a reservation. The families barely have money to put clothes on the kiddos backs, they would enjoy the use of art supplies to enhance their creativity. This also lets them enjoy the fun of being a kid with an imagination.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Title one is such an awesome program! You sound like a wonderful teacher! Thank you for working so hard! Good luck!

  19. I’m student teaching right now and would LOVE to have this stuff in my stash!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  20. I teach 1st and 2nd grade students with Autism in a Title 1 public school in NYC (D75). Our school is a proud supporter of the Arts and we integrate tons of Arts-type programming…but we don’t have the supplies for it. My students love making art and we would make great use of these supplies!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a great place for the students to learn! Keep up the good work! Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  21. Melissa Pugh says:

    My fourth graders are tough on supplies and we are expecting out first child in three months so my wallet can’t take the hit of constantly replenishing supplies anymore 🙂 Every little bit helps! Thanks for the chance!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thank you for entering and good luck! Congratulations on your bundle on the way!

  22. Jen Butler says:

    I teach in a Title 1 school in Tampa, Florida. One of my preschoolers loves crafting, but we have to ration supplies. I would love to be able to put these or and not have to worry about how much they use all at once. 🙂

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a fun classroom! Thank you for entering and good luck!

  23. My 3rd class has being studying hard for the Math PARCC in 2 weeks. Would love to be able to let them unwind by making some fun craftivities after the test.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thanks for entering and good luck!

  24. Cheri smith says:

    I am a traveling SLP; it would be nice to have a set like this at each school so I wouldn’t have to lug it around everywhere and the kids would love it.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thanks for entering and good luck!!

  25. Leslie studdard says:

    I teach in a low socioeconomic school. We frequently need materials for projects and the families are unable to purchase the materials.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Keep up the good work! Good luck!

  26. Annemarie says:

    i need these supplies for my alternate assessment special Ed kids.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks so much for entering!

  27. The kids that I work with love to create beautiful works of art and this would give them great supplies to work with!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!

  28. Mary Brown says:

    My class loves to color and do anything that uses glitter!! We are in a high poverty high crime area. I try to give my class sensory and craft breaks. We would greatly appreciate more art supplies.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      You sound like a great teacher! Keep up the good work! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  29. Jonna Chrisman says:

    I am a Title 1 Reading Specislist and Intervention Specislist. My kindergarten students are busy writing, reading and creating. I purchase my supplies out of my pocket. This would be wonderful!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a fun class to be a part of! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  30. I teach EC Pre-K, we are always in need of extra supplies for class.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  31. OOOOOOOHHHHHH!! I need to win this for my sweet firsties! I’ve had to spend so much money on supplies, curriculum, etc. this year that winning this would just be sooooooo special! Thank you so much for considering me! 🙂

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thank you so much for entering!! Good luck! Sounds like a very fun classroom!

  32. Mandy Rhoades says:

    My daughter can always use more school supplies!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  33. Bobbi King says:

    I work with students with many different emotional difficulties. Art is an excellent way for children to express their emotions. My supplies (out of my pocket) have nearly dried up and these would help greatly.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thank you for entering and good luck! Keep up all the good work!

  34. I teach kindergarten and spend too much of my own money on classroom supplies! Would love to win this for my kiddos. 🙂

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck! Thanks for entering!

  35. jenna tomaszewski says:

    Teach in a tile one school; everything is stretched as it is, would love to be able to spark creativity and provide that extra for my students.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Title one is such a wonderful program! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  36. I could really use this in my classroom and with my 3 year old.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!!

  37. Ruth N Maldonado says:

    Colorful and sparkly arts supplies, no-one can resist to get his hand on this. Hope my little ones get the chance to do it.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck! Thanks for entering! Colors and sparkles are always great!!

  38. Autumn Backo says:

    My students would love more drawing supplies!!!! We are a title 1 district. 100% free lunch and breakfast for our students, because our poverty level is so low.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Keep up the great work! Thanks so much for entering to win and good luck!

  39. Lisa Harrington says:

    I am the site manager of a before and after school program. This year I have 1/2 the supply budget that I had last year, but I have twice the students.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks for entering!

  40. Karyn Panchot says:

    I am an elementary special education teacher in rural Oregon. Our schools only focus on reading lately and have not time and no money for creativity. Sure would love to bring some creative fun into my classroom. Did I mention special education resource rooms do NOT get a supply list…. Love to treat my kiddos!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thank you so much for entering!

  41. I teach 4th and most think at this age kids don’t do arts and crafts. My kids love to and always ask on every assignment if they can use their markers. By this time of year they have exhausted their school supplies so I would love to be the one to supply them without breaking the budget. What a great giveaway!!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Markers are always fun! Sounds like a great class! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  42. Angela McClanahan says:

    i am always adding special goodies to my kindergarten class to make it special. My school only provides markers and X-rays in the basic 8 colors but there is so much more for them to explore with!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!

  43. I am a first year teacher, trying to build up supplies for various projects. Thanks for the opportunity and thank you for all of your posts!

  44. i teach preschool at a small Christian mission and we run totally on donations and depend on good people to send supplies to us sometimes we are really low I would love to have these supies for our little children so please consider us thank you so much and whom ever you pick I know they will be very thankful

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a wonderful place for the kids to learn! Keep up the good work! Good luck and thank you for entering!

  45. Melissa Adams says:

    My students love art projects. I was able to put a couple of boxes of new crayons out and they were ecstatic. They would be in heaven with all of this.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thank you so much for entering!

  46. Sarah Diehl says:

    I work at a preschool and 60 percent of the time we buy our own supplies, so this giveaway would help our teachers and students not just me.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!!

  47. I am a first year teacher, teaching third grade with 35 students. We love every opportunity to be creative, however with low budgets, high poverty and huge numbers we run out of supplies often. I would love to have more so we can continue to grow my students creativity.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a very fun class! Keep up the good work! Good luck and thank you for entering to win!

  48. Valerie Radcliffe says:

    I work with k-2 teachers and I am always buying supplies to give to them during professional development activities and PLCs. Our district cannot afford to give them anything because all of our elementary schools are Title 1. This would be a great resource to share with several teachers!!!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thank you for entering!

  49. Jane Crater says:

    I would like to win to add more supplies to my Pre-kindergarten classroom.
    All of my students love to create and we are about to embark on an art week.
    This would be amazing and a much needed asset to supplement our supplies.
    Thank you for the opportunity.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thank you for entering!

  50. Tammy Stine says:

    My 3rd graders love to make things! I try to make learning fun and creative to help things stick in their brains! What a cool idea!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!

  51. Teri Rodriguez says:

    I have Severely Handicapped Students at a disadvantaged school where 95% of the students get free or reduced lunch and my students could really use more school supplies, especially art supplies due to budget cuts.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks for entering!

  52. I teach in a low income area where children are not provided with supplies. These would make an awesome Valentine’s Day project.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks for entering!

  53. Lori Gulley says:

    My third graders LOVE to color, draw, make and create! With the number of indoor recess days we’ve had my supplies run thin very quickly! I always want to have abundant supplies for them to be able to express themselves creatively. Most of these supplies come from my personal budget.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a great classroom to learn in! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  54. Lori Hovey says:

    I live and work in one of the poorest counties in the state. I teach kindergarten in a Title I school. My students come from high poverty. Our school experiences budget cuts every year. Last year, I received $20 for office supplies like tape, file folders, etc. We have had to cut our copying to a minimum and only have one working copier for seven grade levels in a three section school. We are running low on construction paper, out of laminating film, and now they are phasing out printers for our computers. I am in need of tools to create fun activities for my students without making copies. This give away would be so helpful. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you to Kurtz Brothers for providing the supplies!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      It sounds like you work very hard to keep things fun in the classroom! Keep up the good work! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  55. Lisa Richie says:

    My fifth grade class goes through a pack of paper a week easy! We create foldables to help remember vocabulary and timelines. Our school is low poverty, Title I, but my students LEARN! The majority of these supplies would actually be given to one of my students however. His home burned Wednesday night and there was nothing left so we are trying to replenish his and his three siblings belongings.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a wonderful classroom! So sorry to hear about your students home! Good luck and thank you for entering!

  56. Delia Ortega says:

    I’m sponsoring Student Council this year and we could definitely use some supplies to help with our advertising and community activity promotions. Hope I win!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!

  57. Students- they are out of supplies this time of year! Pick me pick me!!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thanks for entering and good luck!

  58. Tiffani Guiser says:

    My second graders love to create art projects and these supplies would be very useful.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  59. I am a 4th grade teacher at a small private school. Art funds are VERY limited!! My students are creating a book about characters that they have been working on all school year. They are going to be illustrating their books as well and these supplies would sure help them complete their book projects.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a nice classroom to learn in! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  60. bonnie booth says:

    I need to win because i love teaching, but am at a lull right now. I need some motivation to get my creativity going for my students. I really feel like this would do that for me!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks for entering!

  61. I’m student teaching and need to stock up on supplies without spending a ton of money.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  62. I teach kindergarten and I love to offer creative activities for my kinders and these supplies would be a perfect addition to our art shelf.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck, and thanks for entering!

  63. Jennifer Womack says:

    As a special education teacher in a title 1 school,my classroom needs supplies constantly as students do not bring supplies to my class. I am supplied on my purchases and donations only. Thank you for reading my comment and considering my students!!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks so much for entering!

  64. Kaye Gresham says:

    I am a teacher of geometry in an inner city school in New York. There are no funds for supplies to have my students complete creative activities to enhance their learning. For example, this week we will be make scale model trees and building based on proportions. Most of the supplies, dowels, play dough, card stock paper has come out of my own pocket.

    Teachers in our district are working without a contract. Our contract expired nearly 11 years ago. Many in the district are not even on their correct step due to a wage freez e for 4 years and the previous Superintendant breaking promises to us.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like you work from the heart! Keep it up! Good luck and thanks for entering to win!

  65. lisa buck says:

    I teach students that have very little. In fact I would give most of this to my fifth grader that just arrived from Mexico. She came with her 13 year old sister. They slept in empty warehouses with people everywhere. They slept in a cactus farm, she showed me where she still had scars. All to get her to dc where her mom and dad have been trying to make a living. But the coyote that drove her up in her red car, stole all the girls belongings. Even my fifth graders backpack.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thank you for being such a caring teacher! Thank you for entering!

  66. sharon allen says:

    I work in a small school and as a specialist this year we were not given a budget so i have to purchase supplies myself. These would help me provide additional activites for my students.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks for entering!

  67. Dawn Porta says:

    Even though I’m 5th grade science, my goal is to begin to build up my STEM centers. I love challenging my students and enhancing this critical thinking skills with various activities. Even the most simplistic materials are great to use at these centers. These are the kind of supplies that the school doesn’t provide and would have to be purchased out of my pocket. Thank you for offering this opportunity!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like a great class to learn in! We love to hear when students are being challenged! Good luck and thank you for entering!

  68. Amanda Rathgeber says:

    I teach at a private Christian School ands have to buy my own classroom supplies. My students would love to have something new and exciting to create with.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!

  69. Marsha Oats says:

    All the items are perfect for an art center in my classroom!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!

  70. Courtney Eiler says:

    I am a first year teacher. I work in two building that have grades K-6. I am the new librarian and trying to update what they use to do in library. The librarian before only had crayons for all ages and clssses. I started out this year with only crayons…6th graders asked for colored pencils for a project and I don’t have them. I would love to add this to my library and have the kids do more projects to go along with the lessond.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks for entering to win!

  71. Lori Bacon says:

    would love to add this to my “create” shelf….my kids love to make things and these supplies would be great!! I just moved into a new school and there are no funds for supplies like this….except my bank account.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!!

  72. Terry Hoover says:

    Our church, has adopted Maine Memorial Elementary School, we supplied each student with a shoe box for Christmas filled by individuals attending Union Center Christian Church, we live in an economically depressed area and the school recently hit below poverty level. This out reach has touched all the lives in this school and has been beneficial to the area, showing we truly care about the daily needs of these students, and teachers. We are currently reaching out again, and this giveaway would be a wonderful gift to a true need in our community.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Sounds like you do a lot of good for these kids!! Keep up the good work! Good luck and thanks for entering to win!

  73. Stephanie Kline says:

    I am a substitute teacher doing a short term leave in Art until April 2nd Theses students are so creative. Even though the teacher left plenty of supplies to be able to leave her with just a few new items would be one of the best gifts i could give her when she returns.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!

  74. Elizabeth Wayne says:

    My students would love these in our recess Art station. We also do so many crafts, it can be expensive for a teacher. This would be a blessing to our classroom!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  75. Bernadine Marshall Graves says:

    I work at a before/after-school program. The children love to create, and are always asking for more supplies. This pack would be a nice addition to our classroom craft kit.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  76. Jen johnson says:

    It is that time of year where everything is running out and breaking. Kiddos are so creative and learn best through art, creations, moving, and doing.

  77. I will be a first year teacher working at an urban, title 1 school! I’ve seen the hardships not having proper materials causes and I don’t think that our children should have to limit their creativity because of a lack of resources. I am trying to compile any and all materials now, to relieve myself of financial burden come August! I want as much colorful artwork as possible to line our walls so that our classroom is the sunshine is my kids’ days 🙂

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thank you for entering! Sounds like you have a wonderful classroom for learning!

  78. Ruthanne Chapman says:

    I’d love to win these supplies to give to the first year teacher of students with autism next door to me. She is so enthusiastic and loves her students so much! I know this would brighten her day!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thank you for entering! You have a good heart!

  79. I work at a non-profit ECD and my paycheck just isn’t big enough to supply the kids and my household.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck and thanks for entering to win!

  80. Monica Mitchell says:

    I am a SPED teacher who teaches in a Title I school. My school is always in need of supplies and because I can’t “double dip”, I never get any of the supplies purchased by the school for the gen ed teachers. The majority of my supplies comes out of my pocket. This will help so much.

  81. Julie Magallanes says:

    i am a first year teacher in a low income school, I need all the help I can get!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  82. Rebecca Giardina says:

    I teach 7th grade social studies to inclusion students, many of whom have a difficult time staying in their seats and paying attention. One of the best ways to keep these students engaged is to let them create something that relates to the lesson. It’s amazing how just having kids fold or cut a piece of paper before writing information on it makes the lesson fun. Unfortunately, my school does not supply us with a lot of the things kids need to be creative. I routinely spend my own money on construction paper, markers, colored pencils, and glue. It is worth it to me because keeping the kids interested keeps them from causing classroom disruptions.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      You sound like a great teacher who has the kids needs at heart! Keep up the good work! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  83. i work at a Title1 school and quite a few of the students don’t have supplies. We do a lot of hands on activities and the supplies would be very helpful.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  84. Trish Wagner says:

    I would love To use the supplies for a special prize station in my classroom. 🙂

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  85. Robin Bradford says:

    My first graders go through supplies like construction paper quickly, and our district doesn’t supply it….

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck, thanks for entering to win!

  86. Chris I webber says:

    I need supplies to reatock my supplies. Today at Saturday school, I had over 120 students use my paper and tape to show the steps to declaration of independenence. next week, we will be making “quilts” of the bill of rights. I need to get some more paper.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck! Sounds like a nice place to learn!

  87. Erin Franklin says:

    My first grade students would love this stuff (and I would love the glitter markers!!!!)
    Great giveaway!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Thank you for entering! Glad you like the giveaway! Good luck!

  88. Cassy Nowels says:

    After standardized testing we start major projects and science fair etc. School supplies like that get ued QUICKLY! This year teachers at my school didn’t get supply money so I wasn’t able to replenish supplies we used last year! Winning this would mean a lot! It would mean I don’t have to spend my personal money or cancel projects. Thank you!!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  89. lisa williams says:

    I work with Life Skill students and they love to create art and more with supplies like these. It gives my students a chance to see what they are capable of creating.

  90. We always need to replenish our supplies in our kinder room. We create art projects to display and I am planning a supply run in a couple of weeks.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good luck!

  91. Finishing my student teaching and getting ready for a class of my own. This would be an awesome start for my new classroom.

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Good Luck!

  92. Theresa Bankhead says:

    What a give away!!! We are constantly doing research projects with a visual component…and this would be a great addition to our classroom!!!

    1. Kurtz Bros. says:

      Glad that you like the giveaway! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  93. I am at a Title 1 school with 21 students. Based on our economic status, we are unable to get the much needed supplies. This would be great to have supplies to continue to facilitate learning. We Would Be greatly Appreciated.

  94. I’d like to win this because I spend a lot of my own money on supplies for the kids who can’t afford them, so anything I am given or win would be a blessing!

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