No More Spelling on Spelling Tests!!!

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And ALL the kids CHEER – YEAAHHHHH!!!!!!
Reelly? R U serius? I’m NOT kiding! It seems that the dumming of America has gone even farthre. Sum skools R no longr requirng childrn to sit and spell for theyre tests anymoor. Y? Beecuz they clame they are not lurning anything. Yes Yes I know, its ezier for standrdisd testing…..but haz enyone stoped to think abowt wut this meens in the futur fer America? Is taking shurtcutz fer the sake of grading a gud idea? Part of the problm is that teechers are quikly losing theyre ability and freedum to teach as needed to proprlee educate theyre stoodentz. They are guverned by theyre hiyer athoriteez as to wut is politicly the best opshunz. The lack of educashionle testing is not due to R teecherz. Lets mak shoor the blaim is not missdirekted. I luv teecherz and so miny of them spind enuff time to cuver two ful time jobz by theyre howrs at skool. But we as parintz shuld be asking qwestionz. Do YOU know wut yure child is lurning?
R yoo OK with wut iz beeing taught to yur kidz? No? Chek with yur teecher furst, then take it hiyer. Is it a state reequirment? Writ yur politishuns – but make shoor yu use yur spel cheker furst! Letz rase our standirdz so R childrn hav sumthing to ame for. Not lowr them to make them feel bettr.

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  1. tiggysmum70 says:

    LOL… Funny thing… we still have spelling tests! Yes, child you must spell correctly on a spelling test! 😉 I take off for spelling. Don't they think HS teachers and professors in college won't take off for spelling mistakes on essays and such.
    Think again.

    It's a sad day!

  2. Twingle Mommy says:

    When I taught my principal would give us hell over teaching spelling. She said it wasn't in the standards so it shouldn't be in our lesson plans. Oh great! So now we are making the next generation even dumber. I taught it anyway-they needed to learn it.

  3. 3 years ago, I got yelled at for giving a whole-class spelling test. Oh, no. Instead, we were to give spelling tests during our reading groups! We were to individualize spelling tests for EACH student. Say, what? Plus, they get a word wall for common words, so instead of learning to spell, they just needed to be able to sight read it.

    It all irritated me. Probably because I was a school spelling bee champ in middle school. :-/

  4. Jennifer - Mommy to 2 says:

    They don't need spelling anyway. All they will be doing in a few years is texting. As long as you can read all the shortcut and codes to texting you'll be fine. .

    I was reading a teenagers facebook post and I could not follow the conversation. I think I need to start studying!

  5. We had our grade level spelling bee on Thursday…school bee after Thanksgiving. I am post this in the teachers lounge for my colleagues to read. Thanks!

  6. Melinda C says:

    I haven't been paying attention to what schools are doing. I really should, considering that my son will be in school before I know it.
    My friend, who is studying to become a math teacher, said that they are actually changes standards here in Illinois to become even more strict!

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