No Kid Hungry Campaign – Take the Pledge!
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At BlogHer I met Clay who helps to publicize Share Our Strength‘s No Kid Hungry Campaign. The No Kid Hungry Campaign is a national movement working together to end childhood hunger in America by the year 2015. Did you know that 1 in 4 children in America are hungry? I was just blown away by that! I know that my husband (a 2nd grade elementary) has many times had students in his classroom who were hungry. It’s so sad and it’s very heartbreaking as a teacher to see these children begging other kids for food just to eat six ears of corn for their lunch. Or pocketing their apple from lunch just so that they can have dinner later.
I invite all of you to take the No Kid Hungry Pledge as I did last week. It’s so simple, just click on No Kid Hungry, and sign up with your email address! Over 53,000 people have already taken the pledge! From monetary donations to volunteering in your local community, and even giving food to children in your classroom there are many ways that you can help to put an end to hunger.
65% of teachers see hungry children on a regular basis! I know my husband has and I’ve talked to other teachers who actually supply food on a regular basis to children in their classroom. Share Our Strength has actually set up a special page for teachers where you can find more information on the pledge, charts and reports, and resources on how to educate others in your community.
I took the pledge and shared on my Facebook lots of people should take it too, Thanks for sharing
Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
I will try and get some local information in my town in Laurel,MD as I just won a 50.00 amex gift card and that could go to such good use. Thank you for the idea
I took the pledge! What a great campaign that Jimmy Dean is running. I'm really glad they surpassed their goal at the BlogHer11 Conference – I think they ended with over 1100 pledges and the goal was 1000 – WOOT! Mommy bloggers know how to help out some good causes. I spent a great deal of time at their booth chatting. I really wanted to go back and grab another griddle stick, didn't you?
Thank you so much for this post! It was great to meet you at BlogHer. And thank you for your support of No Kid Hungry!