Have you heard of Kidzmet – a Tutoring Database?
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A Great Way to Beat the Economy!
Guest Post by The Teacher
As a first year teacher I quickly began to realize that I needed to supplement the salary given to me as a teacher. I started working at a very well known tutoring company in our area. There I worked at a table with 3-4 students and brought home $10 an hour. Well after a year working there I got a great gig working for a local family making $20 an hour and stayed at home so that I could spend more time with my family. The problem which I faced was finding parents who wanted tutoring who couldn’t afford the $80 an hour fee, but would consider the $20-40 an hour range for one on one tutoring.
That is when I found Kidzmet. Kidzmet is an awesome site and in simple terms it is an online database of Teachers, Mentors, Parents, and Students who all want the same goal- Success for Students. How it works is simple. As a teacher you pay an all time membership fee- which right Kidzmet is running a special for only $9.99 per year!! Then you register yourself. You can list your teaching style, preference of subjects, and a general location. Students and parents can then peruse a list of names in the Kidzmet database to find an appropriate tutor for their specific need.
For teachers Kidzmet offers a 45 day Guarantee or your money back. It can’t get any better than that!! Kidzmet isn’t only for teachers though, but for parents and students as well. It is FREE to parents and students and it allows parents an additional option after being denied for SES (Supplemental Educational Services) tutoring. By signing you and your child up for a free account, you can view available candidates for one on one tutoring that is well under the cost of well known tutoring companies.
As a teacher, you can really take advantage of this all time LOW $9.99 and start to take a hold of your extra income in a failing economy. You will easily make up the cost of the membership in your first tutoring session and benefit from it throughout the rest of the year!
Disclosure: This post brought to you by Kidzmet.
Sounds like a great opportunity, as long as you get clients. I am going to look into this, but can you tell me if a student going to school for teaching can register to tutor? I am wanting to work…need the money,but want the time for school…..
my email is [email protected]
Hi there, Crystal! I just wanted to note that Kidzmet's Classroom Account can also be used by elementary school teachers and junior high school teachers to get a jump on how their new students learn best. We understand that some of our member teachers are planning to send the link to Kidzmet in their welcome packets this year, but here's how we envision it working:
1) Teachers set up their Classroom Accounts on Kidzmet and fill out the profile information. (Be sure to change fit type visibility setting…it should all be clear from the home page) It's also important to select the grade levels they teach from the category drop down list in the program info section. (e.g. Elementary – 5th Grade)
2) Have parents set up an account (effectively, a permission slip for their kids to fill out the questionnaire)
3) Parents can either have their kids complete the questionnaire at home OR give their child the login information and the class can fill it out in the computer lab.
4) Once the portrait is complete, have the kids click the "MentorMatch" button on their homepage and then search for their teacher by category (e.g. Elementary – 5th Grade) and zip. When the teacher's name pops up, click it and then click the puzzle icon down below. Now both accounts will be connected and you'll have access to the kids' Student Snapshots, and you'll also be able to see the fit type. (But parents will not have this info because you've changed your setting to invisible.)
5) Parents will have access to the Pairing Portrait, if they want to read it, which has more parent-directed information in it. Here's a sample:
They can also choose to send themselves a Student Snapshot for $0.99–or you can email it to them or send it home with the kids for use when helping with homework. Here's a sample:
And, if they want to, they can add a couple of extracurricular interest categories to their kids' profiles and if a teacher/mentor/coach/etc. that the child would "fit" well with signs up in one of those categories, they'll get an email intro to the teacher from us.
== * * * ==
as far as your question above, there are no requirements for adding your tutoring listing to Kidzmet. It's up to the parents to vet whether or not you'd be a good fit for their families. (And we provide them some key questions to ask to ensure a good fit.)
That being said, beyond using Kidzmet to GET clients, you can use Kidzmet to screen your new tutoring students and get a good handle on their learning preferences via our Student Snapshots. Being able to connect well with the kids from the minute you walk through the door the first time should create some good buzz about you in your neck of the woods. (We moms like to talk…) 😉
Hope this helps! 🙂
All the best,
Jen Lilienstein