My Personal Every Day Splurge

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A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting the Brew Over Ice crew at BlogHer. One of our splurges for hubby & I was to purchase a Keurig coffee system. Another splurge is to actually have k-cups in the house!!

Yes, we have the reusable coffee filter but I love being able to just grab a k-cup when I’m on the run. And not only that my two boys actually LOVE making me coffee which I only allow them to make when we have k-cups on hand. I’m a black coffee drinker, but I have absolutely fallen IN LOVE with a few Brew Over Ice products that are now in my house at all times. 

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They sent me three samples of various flavors to try with my Keurig. I absolutely LOVE the Sweet & Cream Regular Iced Coffee. It is one of those “staple” items in my house now. I never thought I would be a sweet coffee fan but I LOVE this stuff!

My husband, more of a flavored drink fan is particularly fond of the Snapple k-cups and even really liked the Vitamin Burst from Brew Over Ice. Another flavor that is my personal favorite staple is their Southern Sweet Tea k-cup!! Since moving to Iowa last year I just cannot find a GOOD southern sweet tea unless I make it myself. I was PSYCHED to find it in a k-cup version and it actually tastes great!

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It’s easy! Just grab your cup, fill it with ice, then put your k-cup into the Keurig and start it up!

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Here is my favorite Brew Over Ice Sweet & Cream Regular Iced Coffee. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!


I’m sad to say that I probably could chug this stuff LOL. It’s really good!

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If you are heavy into going out for coffee I would definitely recommend for you to get a Keurig and switch to k-cups – you’ll save a lot of money! We have one of these in our school office which is great because there’s no “pot” to clean and the teachers can choose their own coffee and iced beverage flavors to drink.


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  1. eileen marie says:

    Small DD iced coffee!

  2. Nancy Thompson says:

    Love my Keurig so much that I bought another one for my classroom (a smaller one, of course!) I love the chai tea on a cold day, and I also like to brew tea over ice in the summer.

  3. Marsha H. says:

    I love my parafin wax spa for my hands and feet.

  4. Becky Bacon says:

    I couldn’t live without my Keurig either! I love cold coffee and would like to try these.

  5. Kathryn Barnum says:

    I’m very curious about the sweet and creamy brew over ice cups, as I’m not a big coffee drinker. My coffee has to be very liberally creamed and sugared for me to drink it! 🙂

  6. Love coffee and tea. Buy every morning because I don’t have a Keurig at home. Would love one.

  7. Waiting for the after Thanksgiving sales to buy one for my classroom. I hope I can wait that long!!

  8. Love iced coffee and would love to try the sweet tea too. Thanks for the opportunity.

  9. Kim Wheeler says:

    We, the elementary staff, love tea and coffee. We would love to wun it.

  10. Our science department loves our keurig 🙂

  11. Carole Saysanith says:

    I use my Keurig every day and so far it’s been Starbucks, Tully’s and Green Mountain but now I’m excited to try that yummy sweet iced coffee.

  12. Sounds delicious! When I have the time and money I love to get a pedicure.

  13. The sound of the sweet brewed coffee sounds wonderful. Thank You, Jerri Davis

  14. Sign me up! Pick my entry! This could totally save the hassle of rinsing the grounds basket and cleaning the pot!

  15. Kimberly Schotz says:

    My personal splurge is iced tea from Burger King, with extra ice!

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