Halloween Scene Toilet Paper Tube Paper Craft

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halloween paper craft

 There are SO many preschool Halloween crafts floating around so I wanted to put one out there for the older elementary kids. My children still LOVE to create and design crafts and this Toilet Paper Tube Scenery can be altered and used for any holiday or theme! You can use it to create a book report, story telling, dioramas and more!

halloween paper craft

Materials Needed:

– Black Construction Paper
– Yellow Construction Paper
– Glue Stick
– Scissors
– Pencil
– Two toilet paper rolls or one paper towel roll

halloween paper craft


I’ll share with you how we made ours but you can just freehand copy the idea of the silhouettes we made above or of course create your own depending on your theme! If your kids aren’t quite old enough to free draw their own scene draw one out for them and let them cut it out.

Take a pencil and freehand draw your circle moon on the yellow construction paper. You could also use the lip of a drinking glass for a more perfect circle, but honestly this will look even spookier if it is imperfect. With your moon size as a frame of reference, take your pencil and freehand your haunted house, pumpkins, bats, scary tree and wooden sign on your black construction paper.
Again, this can look primitive and does not have to be perfect. You can even make it a little more 3D effect by gluing confetti bats onto your moon.
While your little one is cutting out the shapes on the black construction paper, free hand the pumpkin eyes, noses and mouths as well as the haunted house doors and windows on the yellow construction paper. Use your pencil to draw the window pane sections.
 Take your glue stick and glue the haunted house windows and doors on as shown. Glue the bats onto the moon, glue the wooden sign onto its post and glue the faces on your pumpkins.

halloween paper craft

Now comes the time to get the scene set up! For your moon…take one toilet paper roll and cut two slits on either side of the same end. Don’t cut the slits directly apart from each other. Try and offset the slits so that you have to slightly bend the construction paper moon to insert.
This will help the moon to stand up and not droop over. Cut three one inch wide rings and a two inch wide ring from the other toilet paper roll. Cut slits in each of these additional four rings like you did for the moon.
Be sure to offset the slits so your paper creations will bend ever so slightly. Insert your spooky tree into the two inch wide ring. Insert pumpkins, wooden sign and haunted house into the other rings.

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