For Kids That Hate to Color- Mosaic Color Pages
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This is a bit of an addition to my post “Encouraging the Child Who Hates to Color”. I just thought of this idea today and will have to go back and include it in the original post! For those of you who haven’t read it just click the link to check it out.
My son hates coloring and sees no purpose….which makes it difficult in a class/group setting when the preschoolers are supposed to color. He instead wanders off somewhere else. You can read my original post for more ideas, but here we took a coloring page, and turned it into a coloring mosaic instead!
I handed him a glue stick and several piles of cut up random construction paper. Instead of coloring his page, he was able to glue his mosaic pieces onto it to add color into the picture!
This is a good idea for a child that has attention problems as it will keep their hands constantly moving and their mind working a little more with the different shapes and tasks to do!
As you can see below my son did not actually finish the sheet but it kept him occupied for a while and he enjoyed it. This might be a nice alternative for a child in your class who absolutely refuses to color!
That's a great idea! And it definitely is a good way to work on those cutting and pasting skills too! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!