Africam- LIVE Camera Feed in Africa!
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The internet and it’s techology are an amazing thing. Yesterday I found this thing called Africam – which is a (FREE) live video camera feed from Africa!! They have several cameras set up in the middle of nowhere in Africa that you can view. It’s really pretty amazing! AND you can hear the sound! This morning when my son & I went on to check their camera feed there was a heard of elephants bathing in a water hole! And you could hear the water splashing around! It was so incredible! The cameras are on 24/7 and you can actually hear the crickets chirping at night! (they are LOUD!) I can think of so many fantastic possibilities with this site! This would be great for classrooms of all grade levels to check out during class- especially if you can feed it onto your projector screen or TV! Or your homeschoolers can track the different types of animals that walk across the live video and research them. VERY cool! You can check out their website here, and they also have updates live on the Facebook & Twitter pages every time animals come in view of the video! Don’t forget that there IS a time difference in Africa so make sure you plan accordingly if you’re looking for daytime activity! I suggest checking in the morning when you get up! (Although you can currently see the Elephant Plains camera feed even in the dark.) Beware- it’s rather addicting! 🙂