Eitech Beginner 3-Model Construction Set Review
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Eitech has just come out with this great new Beginner 3-Model Construction Set! It is a build-your-own vehicle kit which contains parts to build 3 separate items- a helicopter, crane, and a driller. I love these kits because they are great for teaching kids to work in 3 dimensional properties, as well as boosting their coordination skills! This 3-Model Construction set is geared for children ages 4 and up, and contains 172 different parts! That may sound a little daunting to have so many pieces, but it really isn’t bad at all. The box that the set comes in is well built so that the inside acts as a protective tray which the small pieces cannot fall out of unless dumped over. And I personally love the hexagon shaped box- it’s unique and can fit in all the small spots in my game closet!
The first thing you pull out when you open the box is 3 sets of directions- one for each model you can build. The instructions for each model are actually pictured diagrams- not written instructions which is great for younger children who cannot read or struggle reading. The instructions are very simple and easy to follow.
And the kit even comes with one little man to put in the machines once built!! He has two different hats. I don’t know why but I thought the interchangeable hats were great!
The kit says it’s geared towards ages 4 and up. My son turns four this next week and this is a great project for younger children to pair up with an adult or older sibling. Older children who can easily follow directions will have no problem building this kit on their own. My son was easily able to look at the parts pictures and find them in the pile of pieces. He loved being the “big helper” and build this driller below.
The kit comes with all of the tools needed to build the vehicles- and they are the part size for children’s hands.
My son got a little distracted with all of the wonderful little pieces all of the table and said “LOOK MOM- I made a pulley!”…..so all of the small parts are multi-functional as well!
My husband helped build the vehicles so I could take pictures, and he did note that it was a little difficult for his big hands to get all the parts in the right places! So it can be built by everyone- but it definitely the best fit for a child to build! I love the colors of the parts too- lots of bright colors.
It took my husband about 20 minutes with my son’s help to build this driller. And a little less for the other 2 models in the kit (the crane & the helicopter). For the crane, I loved that if you had the patience you could crank it to pick up other objects. This was a fantastic skill for my son to work on! Hands on fine motor skills is always a good encouragement for a child’s development. I love observing how hard he was concentrating on trying to pick up an object with the crane.
 By the time we started this kit it was almost my son’s bedtime (thus the reason he’s not wearing a shirt!) but we gave him some time to play with his new model before he went to sleep. He played with it a few days before he realized that we hadn’t built any of the other vehicles!
Voila! Here is our finished driller! It held up great too for many days of the boys trekking it through the house! In past experience with similar kits from other brands we’ve had many problems with bolts coming loose and parts constantly falling off- we thankfully did not have that problem here! All of the bolts and pieces perfectly stayed in place! It was a nice relief not to have stray parts floating around the house and getting lost!
You can find this construction set and other Eitech products on Amazon
 and a few other locations. Below are pictures of the other 2 models in this set- I didn’t get any pictures of them but they were just as simple (actually more simple!) to build than the driller!
I recommend Eitech products. They are good quality products that are made with very durable pieces. I don’t have to worry about pieces breaking and then not being able to form the vehicles. The directions are very clear and easy to understand. The box is easy to store and easily holds the small pieces without spilling them everywhere.
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this review. I did receive a kit to try. All opinions are mine.