How to Make a DIY Pool Noodle Lawn Golf Course Tutorial
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Have some extra old pool noodles laying around? Found an awesome CHEAP clearance on pool noodles?! Get creative and turn them into this DIY Pool Noodle Lawn Golf Course!
Below is a step by step tutorial + FREE printable PAR signs for your homemade golf course!
Lawn Golf Materials needed:
2- 6” stakes per ‘hole’ (old ink pens or popsicle sticks work well)
1 Pool Noodle per ‘hole’
1 Pool Noodle (for club)
1 Pool Noodle Connector
Ping Pong Ball (or other lightweight ball)
Duct Tape
2- 6” stakes per ‘hole’ (old ink pens or popsicle sticks work well)
Card stock (for signs)
Craft sticks (for signs)
How to make the golf club:
1.Cut 16” off of the end of the pool noodle.
2. Slide the longer length of pool noodle through the center hole in the connector, leaving connector at the end.
3. Place the 16” length pool noodle into one of the open ends of the connector.
4. Bend the 16” length in half and secure with duct tape or masking tape as shown in the photo above.
How to make the “hole”:
Place the stakes 18” apart and slide a pool noodle over each one of them. You may need to adjust the lengths of the stakes as the length of the pool noodles vary. It doesn’t matter what color your pool noodles are!
How to make the free printable par signs:
1.Print our par sign on card stock: THIS free printable lawn golf course par sign set!
2. I recommend laminating your par signs to make them last longer! Then just cut them out with scissors.
3. Glue or tape each par sign to craft sticks, a yard stick, or paint stirring sticks.
4. Gently push the craft sticks into the ground for each area!
Let the kids continue changing and re-designing your pool noodle lawn golf course! There’s no limit on creativity for this fun family game! You can even make it themed with colors or characters!
REALLY want to make it an awesome event?! Wrap your pool noodles with rope lights or glow sticks and have a night time pool noodle lawn golf course tournament! Want to turn this golf course into a spooky event? Grab a fog machine, spread plenty of spider web around and check out some of our Halloween tutorials to add to your golf course!
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Is a connector a special type of noodle?
There are a lot of ways you can do it. Unless you can find an actual pool noodle connector you can easily make your own by slicing up a pool noodle and carving holes out or simply using some duct tape!