America The Story of Us Book Review
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America: The Story of Us Book Review
by: Kevin Baker
“Over two hundred years ago, the world waited and
watched to see if an unlikely experiment called America
would succeed. It has – not because success was certain
or because it is easy, but because generations of Americans
dedicated their lives and their sacred honor to a cause
greater than themselves.” –President Barack Obama
watched to see if an unlikely experiment called America
would succeed. It has – not because success was certain
or because it is easy, but because generations of Americans
dedicated their lives and their sacred honor to a cause
greater than themselves.” –President Barack Obama
America The Story of Us is a beautifully illustrated book (over 330 illustrations!) covering all the way from pre-colonial times to today! There is even a special introduction from President Barack Obama included. This is not your typical history book. It is beautiful, compelling, full of rare stories and historic photographs, charts, maps, and drawings. It also corresponds with the TV Series America the Story of Us as well as the DVD.
America the Story of Us covers famous people in our American history such as George Washington, John F. Kennedy, Davy Crokett, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, and numerous others! It also covers a huge variety of topics from our history such as the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the California Gold Rush, the Great Depression, even current events such as 9/11! It trudges through our country’s controversial issues like slavery, civil rights, and Native American persecution.
I wish you could see the photographs and illustrations in this book- they are very captivating! Maps of slave ships, detailed photos of antique rifles, even charts of the differences between the Union & Confederate Soldiers! See detailed explanations of how the Brooklyn Bridge was built! The detail and information in America the Story of Us is incredible. One of my personal favorites was looking at the map of Central Park from 1863! Just very interesting history to sit down and browse through. Our country has come so far and accomplished so much and this book captures it all! It is absolutely packed with all sorts of captivating information- even if you are not a history buff! I think that this book would be a great addition to any classroom, a coffee table book, and even for your personal library!
History was personally not one of favorite subjects in school but I have really loved looking through this book and learning about SO many new things! The beautiful illustrations really catch your eye and help draw interest to the stories! I would definetely recommend this book. This is a captivating and enjoyable way to learn more about our countries history-past and present.
You can buy your own copy at your local bookstore, or online through Amazon! (currently on sale for $19.77-retail is $29.95!)