What Happened to Equality in America?
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More and more I hear about the necessity of equality for all children in America, but more and more I am seeing the true unequal balance that our country has created. Our “equality” is now defined as a set of standards that a child must fall in to in order to participate in a special function or be eligible for special help. Whether it’s skin color, economic status, handicap or lack there, etc. Part of me has seen this through the eyes of teachers, and part of me has seen this through the eyes of a parent.
The term equality has driven different groups to fight for their cause, and they are all important and awareness should be raised, Â but it should not taint how our children are treated. One child should not be chosen over another simply because of their race, the money their parents make, or their ability or inability to sit still and be attentive in class. Is it really equal that a child can have a severe physical handicap but not be eligible for county services because academically they are book smart?
Is it really equal that a child be accepted into an extracurricular activity simply because of the money their parents make. Are the bills that parent has to pay equal to that of another? What about the highly intelligent gifted child who is so bored they can’t handle sitting still in the classroom – should they be punished for the simple fact that they are bored and already know what is being taught?
What about a child who tests higher than another child to get into a gifted program but is not accepted because they are not the right skin color? How about a child that is bullying a teacher or other students in the class but the staff is afraid to deal with the problem so the bullying continues? What about passing a child onto a higher grade level who really can’t read or comprehend the material – just because it’s too much paperwork. These are just a few issues that families in America deal with. Our education system has become political.
So who is the advocate for these children? It *should* be the parents, although many times it is not. Issues like these have started causing concern for many parents across the US and now many of us are thinking outside the box. If we can’t trust our government to truly equally educate our children properly, one must think of other options. If you do send your child to a school who is not truly showing equality, a parent must stand up and fight for what is right. If the situation cannot be fixed you must look elsewhere. Don’t settle just because you don’t know what to do or you don’t have time to fix it. Invest in your child and keep searching for the right answers!
For our family, we will more than likely make the decision to school our children different ways. Some at home, some at a school. One size does not fit all in life or in education. Although all children should be created equal personalities vary. A disability or disorder may be a part of the child but it does not define the essence of that child. Opportunities should be based on the child themselves, not on the outside circumstances in which a child has no control over. Instead of looking at everyone else – take a good look at the child and find out what they need – not what type of family they come from.
wow i could not have said it better myself!! my son just started pre k and his dad is spanish however i am white i do not speak spanish and my son only knows english… but because of his last name there was such an issue with filling out school aplication and "should" he go to a class for "spanish" kids… NO WHAT HELLO? my kid will be taught with everybody else because he is an american he only knows english why the heck wouldnt he be in main stream school?
I am so happy somebody brought this up
The "No Child Left Behind" has left too many of our children behind… I am in the process of writing a post (it may turn into a series) on the struggles we are having with our son. Because I am a teacher, I am able to navigate better than most but it makes me hurt for those who are not teachers and are facing the problems similar to ours!
Let me suggest watching a speech by Sir Ken Robinson on creativity and education.
Thanks for sharing…
Ditto! I'm already worried about what is best for my child and she doesn't start KG until 2013. 😛