Tips for Teaching Kids About 9/11 Service Project Kit
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Teaching kids about 9/11 can be an extremely difficult and even uncomfortable topic to approach, especially since those of us that are teaching about it actually remember it. Dealing with difficult subjects can be hard to navigate with kids of any age. This year will be the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
We recently were sent a 9/11 Service Project Kit in the mail from Global Game Changers who is sponsoring this post. At first I really didn’t think I would need anything like this but I’ve always found myself hesitant on how to navigate this discussion in history with my kids, especially my younger ones. This kit was everything I never knew I needed.
The 9/11 Service Project Kit Includes:
The 9/11 Lesson Activity Book (plus 4 service projects)
LIVE White Spruce tree
Sidewalk Chalk
Superhero Cape
Wooden Flag Craft Kit
Never Forget 9/11 Children’s Book
Instruction guide(s)
This 9/11 Lesson Service Project kit has an incredibly well thought out lesson plan with activities for children to honor survivors, express positive messages, and learn more about the super-heroes of 9/11. I’m going to walk through each step of our kit that we did and hopefully it will help you find great tools to teach your own kids and students! (You can purchase the books separately if you want too.)
1.Utilize FREE Resources at The 9/11 Lesson Website!
Cartoon videos, a virtual museum, virtual heroes, first aid safety, lesson plans, links to national memorials, service project ideas and even a 9/11 Stair Climb Challenge for children to honor the fallen firefighters from that day are all found at
2. Read the children’s book Never Forget 9/11: Love Always Wins.
Geared for children ages 8-12 (but can be used for kids in any age range), this children’s book follows the main character Pia and her dog Pixel as they visit the 9/11 National Memorial. It is a brightly illustrated story with loveable cartoon characters. The author did a FANTASTIC job at taking kids through the journey of what the memorial stands for but in a light positive way.
It really follows a two-fold purpose. First, it teaches children about the memorial, what it stands for, and how to act when visiting. Second, it discovers the apathy-spreading dark cloud supervillain Krumi and teaches kids how to defeat it and spread a positive message!
3. Complete a service project to ignite good!
The 9/11 Lesson Service Project Kit includes four different service projects to complete! Here are a few ideas for your service projects:
- Plant an evergreen tree or memorial garden in honor of the survivors.
- Create your own commemorative art and/or banner to show what 9/11 means to you.
- Use chalk to write positive messages on sidewalks!
- Create your own American flag and share it with a hero!
- Prepare a disaster relief kit.
- Create your family’s emergency escape route map and hang it in your home.
- Create thank you cards for first responders.
- Write a poem or song.
4. Explore the included 9/11 Lesson Activity Book.
The activity book in our kit had all sorts of things that even I learned about! It included a timeline of 9/11, facts about that day in history, fun puzzles & mazes, writing prompts & art activities, flag facts, and important stories of heroes on that day.