Rocks, Jeans, and Busy Machines Book Review

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Rocks, Jeans, and Busy Machines
An Engineering Kids Storybook
Written by Alane & Raymundo Rivera
Illustrated by Phillip Sada

I was given the wonderful opportunity to read and review this book with my son. And he loved it!! Rocks, Jeans, and Busy Machines is specifically designed for children ages 4-8 years old. It is a book written by 2 engineers who wanted children to be interested in, and learn more about engineering. Engineering for small children? Yes! It was a very simple yet informative book explaining to the children what exactly a structural engineer is (people who design bridges, towers, schools, etc) in a simple way, what concrete is, why engineers build buildings, and more!

 I loved the simplicity but detailed information that this book taught my son. He learned what concrete was made of, who builds bridges and why they build them, even about engineers building playground equipment! If you have a child who wants to know how everything works or a child who likes to build buildings out of blocks- this is the perfect book for them! The illustrations are so colorful, and your child can even write their name in the beginning of the book! I definetely recommend this book for children of all ages!

Rocks, Jeans, and Busy Machines has been applauded by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the National Academy of Engineering.

They have a really great website called Engineering Kids where you can buy the book, get FREE downloadable sheets for your classroom, and meet the characters in the book!
Visit Engineering Kids and tell me something you learned- your favorite character, something about the author- anything you’d like to share!
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this review. I did receive a free book to review. 

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  1. I like darla.

  2. 22bmommy2 says:

    I learned that each book in the series features a different "engineering kid" — and this Rocks, Jeans and Busy Machines feature kid is Violet.

  3. I learned that the Engineering Kids are a group of bright and inquisitive 2nd grade children with a penchant for learning from one another.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I learned that it is expected that there will be a shortage of engineers in the near future. These books will hopefully inspire children to consider a career in engineering. -Liz I.
    chlives at hotmail dot com

  5. Linda Kish says:

    I like Violet. My father was a structural engineer also.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  6. I learned that Engineering Kids Storybooks series is the only series of illustrated books written by Professional Engineers.
    susaaan {at} gmail {dot} com

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  9. I like Violet. 🙂

    remaho80 at aol dot com

  10. marybelle says:

    I learned: Each storybook features an adventure of an Engineering Kid, each of whom is associated with a different field of engineering.

    [email protected]

  11. I learned that it is a finalist for the Next Generation Indie Book Awards-

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  15. I learned that they have another book to be released soon.

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  19. I learned that this series is written by engineers.
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  23. Raggedy Princess says:

    Interesting that all 3 authors attended UT San Antonio… and that Alane started out not being very good at math, but over the years learned to appreciate it to the point that it became more natural to her.

  24. Raggedy Princess says:

    I follow your blog 🙂

  25. I learned that Alane as been a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) since 1994
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  28. FDP 4 Life says:

    my favorite character is darla
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  29. Let's Just Give It Away says:

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  32. Bakersdozen says:

    I learned that the book sells for $9.95. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  33. Engineering is the application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people. (Engineering Def: Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary. 10th Ed. 1996.)

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