Picking up a New Philips Sonicare Toothbrush
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Sponsored by Philips Sonicare
Do you ever feel like you just have to brush your teeth more often to make your mouth feel clean? I especially feel that way when I’m traveling! Last week you guys know I was at a conference and one thing I HAVE to do is have a clean mouth – especially when you’re talking to so many people so closely! So before my conference started I made a quick trip to Target to see if there was anything that would make me feel like my mouth was cleaner all day long!
When I walked into the toothbrush aisle my mouth sort of fell open – I had NO idea there were SO many options out there! I mean, I usually just grab a manual toothbrush (or get one from my dentist office!) and buy it without thinking about it. But there were so many neat displays that I decided to take a few minutes to check through them all and see what they had to offer.
And I’m not just talking toothbrushes. There were battery operated toothbrushes, manual toothbrushes, flossers, air flossers, and all sorts of things! Seriously – you should take a peek down the oral care aisle sometime! Besides I really wanted to find something that would clean my mouth extra good so I decided to look for an electric toothbrush.
Among all the various brands and types of toothbrushes I spotted this Philips Sonicare PowerUp toothbrush first because of the orange packaging. But then I noticed it said “A month’s worth of brush strokes in a day” (compared to a manual toothbrush) – and knowing that I needed something extra good to help keep my teeth clean I decided to go for that one! Plus it was under $20!
I know it may sound silly but even purchasing a new electric toothbrush can feel like a real treat! Oral hygiene is SO important!! I won’t lie – my husband was a little jealous when he was me with this Sonicare PowerUp!
Honest opinion? At first I really didn’t like it. I have a small mouth and it is a VERY powerful toothbrush! I thought my head was going to vibrate off! And if I accidentally hit my teeth with the toothbrush while it was on, which happened a lot at first, it knocked around pretty hard!
But I promised myself I would try it for one week and see what I thought. By the end of the week I was looking forward to using it. If I accidentally grabbed my manual toothbrush I would immediately put it down and switch to the Sonicare PowerUp. I definitely noticed that my teeth had less “film” or “grit” on it after using this electric toothbrush which made my teeth feel a lot cleaner!
Disclosure: This shop was compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and the Collective Bias Social Fabric Community. All opinions are 100% my own. #cbias #socialfabric