Our Visit to the Bug Petting Zoo at MOSI in Tampa, Florida
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Visiting the Bug Petting Zoo
WARNING- if you don’t like bugs this post may give you the Heeby-Jeebies!
In February we had an awesome trip to our local MOSI (Museum of Science & Industry) where they had just started their “BUGS” exhibit- what a perfect opportunity to catch some posts for this month! I was rather intrigued when we looked it up online, one of the exhibits was the “Bug Petting Zoo”! I had never heard of such a thing! But I KNEW my son would love it!
It was absoloutely fantastic! I have never thought of making a BUG petting zoo- now I have a great idea for my son’s birthday party this year!! When we walked in there was a long table lined with bug cages. Each cage of course had a different bug we could pet! My son was in heaven! We took the boys slowly past each cage, talked to them about what each bug was, and then they were able to pet each one- except for Harry the praying mantis!
Oddly enough- this Madagascar hissing cockroach was my son’s favorite! I draw my line at roaches!
We also pet a centipeded, and the above beetle. Something new that I learned is that mealworms turn into Tenebrio molitor beetle (seen above). I did not know that mealworms turned into beetles! Even I (the biology major!) learned something new at the bug exhibit!