
Monster Jam is coming to Des Moines, IOWA!

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OH man is my family excited to here that Monster Jam will be coming to IOWA!!! Have you ever been?? I’ve always wanted to go to a Monster Jam and now my boys are old enough to enjoy it!! On January 3rd-4th at the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, Iowa monster trucks that weigh a minimum of 10,000 pounds will be flooding the area! These bad boys are about 12 feet high and 12 feet wide, custom designed, and perch up on 66 inch tall tires. Um yeah, those tires are taller than I am! This is like the ultimate truck for kids to see! I don’t know what it is about boys and destruction but my kids are already begging to go. They probably want to see the monster trucks fly 130 feet and up to 35 feet high in the air – typical guys! 🙂 Seriously though – this is the most popular truck tour in the country with over 4 MILLION fans watching every year.

So this year, my boys are old enough to enjoy the thrill of seeing these monster trucks take on some serious action. Have you been to Monster Jam before? I’d love to hear what you thought about it!! It will be the first time for everyone in our family so we are pretty stoked about it! You can get tickets for the Des Moines, Iowa tour on January 3-4 at http://www.iowaeventscenter.com/calendar.


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