Make a Difference Monday – Donors Choose Project Link-Up
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Donors Choose – Make a Difference Monday 
I’ve teamed up with my good friend at Fun Finds for Families to bring you Make a Difference Monday, a weekly link-up featuring classroom projects at Donors Choose, in the hopes that together we can help some students out.
Sometimes these classes just need help with the basics. Sometimes they’re dreaming even bigger.
Each week we’ll feature a few current classroom projects on Donors Choose. Then we’ll offer the opportunity for you to share YOUR projects below so that everyone can see what your students are working on!
You don’t need to be a teacher to participate, either. Submit your own child’s classroom project or just one that inspires you.
And if you happen across one project that speaks to you more than others? Well, maybe we can get a project or two funded!
Here’s how Donors Choose works:
Public school teachers from every corner of America post classroom project requests on Donors Choose. Then you browse project requests and give any amount to the one that inspires you. Once a project reaches its funding goal, Donors Choose will deliver the materials to the school.
The Donors Choose projects
Why Are The Bullies Still In My Room? – Philadelphia, PA
From the description: I am requesting the book entitled Bullying In Schools for our classroom library. In addition, I am asking for pillows to sit on in our reading area for when we read our bullying books. I am also asking for assorted erasers so we can erase our mistakes. In addition, we would love to get folders so we have a place to store our bullying stories. Lastly, I need classroom management signs and a lesson planner so I can get additional strategies to manage my classroom. Please help us help ourselves.
Please help put an end to bullying in my school and in my classroom. I am looking forward to expanding our bullying books collection because my students need strategies and books to prevent bullying in our classroom.
We Be Jammin’!– Lakewood, FL (38 days left!)
From the description: My classroom is currently in need of wind chimes, a chimes stand, a conga stand, a chime hammer, straight mutes for my trumpet players, and neck straps for my saxophone players. Providing these instruments and instrument accessories will help my students play their music culturally and historically correct. Currently, my students are learning about the Renaissance and African culture through the music they are playing at their next concert. Unfortunately, my classroom is missing the percussion instruments and instrument accessories that would allow my students to authentically perform these pieces.
Expressive Masks – New York, NY
From the description: My students need productive and expressive ways to share their cultures with each other. By creating masks that require them work with each other in constructive ways they are able to create artwork that does this. This project allows the students to share their experiences and cultures with each other in a way that seems “cool” to all of the kids. They work with each other to create the physical structures of the masks (the bases and then any features like horns or ears) and then individually to paint and decorate their pieces.
Your Donors Choose Projects
And now it’s your turn to share! Share a link to the Donors Choose projects that interest and inspire you. Include the project request, state and grade level.
Example: Solar Project Set – FL – 2nd Grade
Trying to motivate my inner city school students by engaging them with computer games for learning. These can be done whole group, small group or independently.
Trying to motivate my inner city school students by engaging them with computer games for learning. These can be done whole group, small group or independently.
second grade