Encouraging Literacy with Toddlers & Preschoolers: Review of Reading Eggs Junior
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This post brought to you in partnership with Reading Eggs Junior.
Most of you have heard of or use Reading Eggs, the online program that encourages reading (ages 3+) – and they even have a math program called Mathseeds! NOW they’ve made a new addition to the family – Reading Eggs Junior!
Reading Eggs Junior is the NEW online learning program geared for ages 2-4. It’s PERFECT for my daughter who is 2 years old (almost 3)! What I really love about Reading Eggs Junior is that it is a safe place for my daughter and I to sit down, snuggle up together, and enjoy educational material together. Just this past month she has been really interested in reading stories together and there are more than 200 books (both fiction and non-fiction) available!
First of all, you’ll want to get started by signing up for their FREE 4 Week Trial here! NO credit card required!
You’ll then have access to your child’s dashboard. In the Reading Eggs Junior section it looks like the one above. You can keep track of how many books and videos your child has watched, and even what their favorite ones are! Since it is so new I was having problems with my dashboard not recording the books and videos we watched together. I discovered they also have a LIVE CHAT feature if you have any issues which is nice!
Kids can Customize:
If you’ve got kids you know they like to create and personalize their things! Reading Eggs Junior allows kids to choose their profile animal and change it anytime they want!
Books, Books, and more Books!:
If I could invite you into my house right now you would walk into my basement and see the entire walls and shelves lined with kid’s books! But I have learned over the years that it’s just not feasible to tote those books everywhere we go for all of our family. So in addition to them, we have turned to digital books. Readings Eggs Junior is great because they have over 200 books just in the junior section!
Videos are Short and Purposeful:
Yes – there are videos in Reading Eggs Junior! I noticed two things right away about the videos. They are short, very short! It’s great because when my daughter wants to watch a video I’d rather her watch one on Reading Eggs Junior that’s only a few minutes instead of putting a 30 minute episode on the TV. She’s still very young and doesn’t need to be watching a lot! (who does?!)
I also noticed the actual content of the videos is fantastic! They are either geared to young children (subjects like bubbles and birds), or they are practical (like a visit to the hospital)!
Kids are Locked In:
Guess what? Your kids can’t access another website from Reading Eggs Junior no matter how much clicking they do! If they try to leave you’ll need to click in the code that pops up on the screen. Smart idea for kids like my daughter who just likes to click all over the place!
Sign up NOW for your FREE 4 Week Trial! NO credit card required!
This is such an amazing app! I think it’s so important to get the kids excited about reading as early as possible. This certainly does that.
Yes I agree! Engaging kids early on and instilling a love of reading goes a long way!
Reading at a young age is so important! Its great that Reading eggs has created a branch of younger readers!
It is so wonderful the ways tech is making it easier for kids to get a jump start on learning these days! Reading Eggs looks like an excellent program to get kids excited to learn! I also love your daughter’s colorful keyboard!
What a great way to get kids learning! Sounds like this is a wonderful program to get little ones engaged in reading. Thanks for sharing!
This looks like a great app to get kids learning. It’s been my experience that when they can have fun with learning, they will want to learn more and do more.
This app sounds so great for children. I love how technology incorporates the younger kids, without always opting for video games. I will be checking this out for my nieces. Thanks so much for sharing!
I’ve never heard of Reading Eggs but it sounds like a fun way to get kids to learn to read!! I am down for anything that helps kids read!!
This is really good. I love how apps these days make learning easier and better for the kids. It’s definitely worth checking oit if you have a toddler.
I’ve been hearing a lot about this app lately. Sounds like something I need to check out. I’m sure my girls would love it.
what a great app! My mom could’ve used this when she was a reading teacher!
I really like the sound of this. I especially like that no matter what, the kids can’t access other websites. My 3-1/2 year old grandson is a master at figuring things out on his tablet.
How old do you suggest that we start? My daughter is 2 and I wonder if she’s ready?
I think she could be! My daughter is 2 (almost 3) and loves it! If your daughter is showing interest in videos and/or books then she’s perfect for it!