The Great Nature Project with National Geographic Kids #NGKInsider #GreatNature
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Recently I announced that I had accepted a position as a National Geographic Kids Insider and I am SOOOO excited that photography is a big focus during the month of September and October – after all we are all familiar with how stellar National Geographic photography is!! There are TWO big projects (including a Guinness World Record!) that they are working on this month in September and they need our help! This would especially be a great project for your kids to work on and it gets them outdoors!
(one of my favorite bumblebee photos I’ve taken!)
The Great Nature project, running through Sept. 29 is taking a global snapshot by collecting pictures from YOU all over the world of plants and animals. Share your photo on your favorite social media channels and tag it as #GreatNature. At the SAME time National Geographic Kids is working on setting a world record and asking kids all over to upload their best photos of animals and also use the hashtag #animal AND #GreatNature and will be counted towards the world record! PLUS if they also use the hashtag #NGKInsiderGNP they’ll be entered to win a fabulous National Geographic Kids prize pack! Not only is it an awesome project for your kids to get involved in but a National Geographic photographer will be checking out all of the submissions and sharing their favorite on the social media channels which would be some amazing exposure! You can see submissions and find more details on the Great Nature project page
Next week I have the extreme pleasure of chatting with a National Geographic photographer via Hangout and I can hardly wait! I’ve been working through an online photography course in the past year and just LOVE any tips and knowledge that I can gather and try to incorporate in my own pictures. If you have any questions for them just leave it below!