Setting Up a “Make a Robot” Center for a Robot Party
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Tomorrow morning is my son’s robot birthday party (he is turning 5 years old!) so today since we all had off I decided to spend the day getting ready for the party. Our entire back porch area has turned into a “Make a Robot!” station. Since we didn’t have a lot of money to spend on the party much of it is handmade. Since it is for my son and I needed to hand-make everything I wanted it to be simple and colorful. For all of the robots in the party I stayed with primary colors and a lot of recyclables. Above you see the sign we will have hanging in the back porch.
As you can see I’ve been saving boxes for MONTHS! My poor garage was piled high with them! 🙂 Since I had difference sizes I made some robots for the kids to decorate & wear and some robots with bodies to design. I’m sure the parents will love me when their kids go home with huge robots!!! In addition to saving what seems like a zillion boxes I’ve also been saving up random recyclables as well. I’ve bought a few cheap items at the thrift store and garage sales as well, never paying more than $.20 per item. I spent total under $1 for everything I purchased. The paint I used to make the robots was old house paints someone had given us a long time ago for crafts.
AND last but certainly not least I had plenty of scrap pieces of cardboard from boxes that we had torn up so I used them to draw electrical and meter panels that the kids could use to tape/glue on to their robots.
Here are a few of the robots the kids built!!
This is a great idea! Just think of the creativity that will come about because of this. Who knows what something like this could inspire? Perhaps this will lead someone to want to go into artificial intelligence when they grow up and actually create real robots.
Thanks Danielle! I never thought of it that way, but those are the kinds of things that really sparked my passion as a child. 🙂
Very cute idea!
What a great idea!! I want to make one!!