Our Rainy Day Fun

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Our Rainy Day fun so far has consisted of Mr. Potato Head, Play-Doh, playing in the McDonald’s playplace with a $.99 chicken nugget to share as a snack, grocery shopping, Play-Doh, and now it is lunch & nap time!

I love Mr. Potato Head! Not only can you have zillions of different heads with funny pieces, but it’s a great motor skill and coordination challenger for the little ones.

Here are a few other Rainy Day Suggestions that were offered:

  • Debbi at Diamond Grove said baking, playing board games, crafts, & indoor picnics! FUN!
  • kmjames1313 said snuggling on the couch w/a book or TV show!
  • Hand Crafter also suggested board games!
A few things that our family does is puzzles, Snap Circuits, painting, visiting the pet store, build a fortres/igloo, etc.

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  1. Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas says:

    new follower – love the blog!

    on rainy days – my girls love to play board games, color, play dress-up and have a fancy tea party, work on crafts, paint and snuggle up on the couch and watch a fave movie!

    I love staying home on rainy days and just enjoying our time together!

    hope you can stop by my blog when you get a chance!


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