Earn Your CPR Certification Online with InfantCPR.com
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I would venture to say almost all of you either have children, work with children, or see children on a regular basis. When is the last time that you took a course in CPR? I’m ashamed to say it had been more than 15 years for me and although I remember my 8 hour marathon day taking the courses as a teenager I couldn’t remember exactly how many compressions and breaths different age groups were supposed to have.
Let me tell you, that was a LONG day of classes and I am WAY overdue for renewing my CPR certification. That’s why I spent my Christmas break doing Infant, Child, and Adult CPR & Choking classes ONLINE at www.infantCPR.com! Boy things sure have changed in the past 15 years!
There is simply no reason for anyone not to be CPR certified – it’s SO easy and you can do the courses anytime of day that you want! InfantCPR.com offers CPR certification (along with additional choking videos) for the following age groups: Infants (under 1 year), Children (1-8 years), and Adults (8+ years).
So you can choose 3 separate courses to be certified in, although I recommend taking all 3 as I did – plus there’s additional discounts when you take more than 1 course.
The entire process of registering at www.infantCPR.com was VERY easy. Everything is at your own pace. You can pause videos, read written material, take practice questions, take the exam, go back to any desired material, and print your certificate at any time that you desire.
Simply sign up and purchase the course(s) that you wish to take! Each course that I took had one video which covered CPR, and one video which covered choking for that age group. Both videos showed exactly how to use the corrective safety procedures on mannequins as well as replayed them slowly and listed the steps on the screen.
Then I was able to read through the written materials and take a practice question on each page which would immediately tell me whether or not I chose the correct answer.
For any incorrect answers it immediately told me the correct answer so that I knew the proper information. I was then able to take the exam.
The entire process is seamless, easy to follow, and so simple. Once you’ve complete the exam (and passed) you’ll be able to print out your certification, or you can come back to your account later and print it out.
I recommend making sure that you are CPR certified – and not just for children! Knowing CPR if a life-saving technique that can be used on any age to save a life. For well under $80 (with promo code teachersalary) you can take ALL 3 courses and be completely CPR certified from infants through adults.
Chances are you’re like me and took a CPR course “way back when” and have been telling yourself you really should brush up on your CPR – this is a GREAT time to do it! You really should take a course every 2 years and the convenience of taking it online can’t be beat! So head over to www.infantcpr.com and sign up for a course!