A Summer Full of FIRSTS – EVERY Year! #PuracynFirst
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This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. I received one 4 oz. spray bottle of Puracyn® OTC Wound & Skin Care and a branded first aid kit. All opinions, text and experiences are my own.
As my boys grow older we are enjoying the summer time more and more each year! And every year we make a point to try NEW things in the summer – there are SO many things you can introduce (safely!) to your kids! But no matter how safe you try to keep your kids – they are bound to get scrapes and cuts – especially my adventurous boys! This year my boys have tried their hand out at a lot of “FIRSTS” including skateboarding, riding in a helicopter, and even participating in bullfrog races! But it’s actually the “every day” activities that seem to give them the most cuts and scrapes…..like last week when my son wiped out on his bicycle and got a pretty gnarly road rash from it.
For instances like this I literally keep a stack of band-aids in my purse AND in my car (and of course at home) so that no matter where I am I’m prepared because goodness knows my boys are kings of scrapes and bruises! Recently I was introduced to Puracyn Wound & Skin Care which I’ve REALLY liked having on hand! It’s a wound care spray that has no alcohol, no steroids or antibiotics, AND is dye free! It comes over the counter in a small spray bottle that easily slips into my smallest purse and I can whip out any time the kids get injured – plus there’s no weird smell to it and it’s non toxic! It’s definitely a good “on the go” product to help give your child quick first aid care before they head off to play again! You can find it at Meijer, Rite Aid, and Walgreen’s!
MAKE SURE you check out Puracyn’s Facebook “Favorite Summer Firsts” Giveaway here! They are giving away 4 separate prize packages – each worth approximately $400 (beach, camping, BBQ & more)! (you can also visit their main Facebook page here) Entry will occur from 6/21/14 to 7/24/14.
SO tell me about your child’s “FIRSTS” this summer? Has it come with any bumps or bruises along the way?!
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This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. I received one 4 oz. spray bottle of Puracyn® OTC Wound & Skin Care and a branded first aid kit. All opinions, text and experiences are my own.