5 Things People Wonder about Wireless #BetterMoments
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Disclosure: This post brought to you as part of the U.S. Cellular Better Moments Brigade.
It’s so funny having conversations with my kids about technology because to them, technology is expected. For their generation it is a way of life. But when I was a kid (and probably most of you!) cell phones were for “old people” and I’d spend 30 minutes a day waiting for our dial up to open just to get online to check my e-mail for 10 minutes because it was so slow. It’s incredulous and quite hilarious if you really look at the stark differences between technology when you were a child and children’s technology now. Although I consider myself VERY tech savvy there are still things I DON’T know about wireless. More than half of consumers today use their smartphones for everything from checking weather to setting their morning alarm so it’s rather fascinating that there are still things we don’t know about our mobile devices! I use my Samsung 5 smartphone for my packing & grocery lists, social media, alarm, weather, photos, reading books and SO much more! Thankfully I had U.S. Cellular to help me out with some of these questions that I didn’t even know!
Here are the top 5 things people wonder about wireless:
1. What is the BEST way to disinfect my wireless device?
The best way to keep germs off your device (especially with touch screens!!) is to use a screen protector like PureTek. Then you can disinfect the protector with a disinfecting spray. Pre-soaked wipes aren’t really ideal because of the moisture that can damage the device. Make sure you spray the cloth with isopropyl alcohol but don’t soak it. Turn off your device first, then wipe it down. Be extra careful not to add excess moisture around the charging port and headphone adapter.
2. How can I make my device charge FASTER?
The fastest way to charge a smartphone or tablet is simply by turning it off and plugging it in. The screen itself uses the most power (and the apps running in the background!) so by keeping the device on you’re eating up your battery! If you don’t want to turn off your device at least switch it to airplane mode which will disconnect it from the cellular data and Wi-Fi. You can also force apps from running and reduce screen brightness to conserve battery life.
3. Can my smartphone read texts and e-mails out loud to me?
Most of the latest devices have this feature and you can set voice control to your preferences. If your Android device doesn’t have this feature you can download the Voice Commands app. Also there are some hands-free driving devices like the Jabra FREEWAY Car Kit which automatically turn on when you are in the car to enable these services.
4. How can I take a photo on a tablet WITHOUT needing two hands to focus the photo and press the shutter?
Most devices have autofocus so you can touch anywhere on the screen to focus. Apps like Say Cheese Camera also let you use voice control to take photos, turn on the flash, and even rotate the camera view! Of course you can also purchase remotes, tripods, etc to to help as well!
5. Can my smartphone ALERT me to messages other than through sound or vibration?
Most smartphones have LED lights (my S5 does!) that can flash different colors depending on whether you have an e-mail, text, or phone call. On the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus you can also enable the LED light flash which will activate the device’s camera flash to signal an alert or phone call.
Don’t forget that you can still print out the FREE Parent Child Agreement Contract to partner with your children in monitoring their cellphone usage!