Sesame Street Teams with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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We all know and love Sesame Street for the educational material they bring to our children, but have you heard about their new partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? Sesame Street will be bringing hygiene and sanitation education to Bangladesh, Nigeria and India! This partnership emerged to help reach the 2.6 million people that do not have access to good sanitation and children are especially effected by the lack of clean water.
The program components include:
·         Three Public Service Announcements focusing on sanitation and hygiene, which will be distributed in each country’s official language;
·         A 12-15 minute DVD consisting of locally produced studio and live-action segments that reinforce the messaging in the PSA.
·         Print materials such as books, posters, and brochures that are tailored to fit the needs and distribution strategy in each county.
 Over the last decade, Sesame Workshop has worked to develop local Sesame Street co-productions in Bangladesh, India and Nigeria. In Bangladesh, Simsimpur reaches nearly 7 million children, while in India, Galli Galli Sim Sim engages millions of children with television and radiophone broadcasts as well as through unique community outreach initiatives. In 2011,Sesame Square premiered in Nigeria to the delight of children and adults alike and is preparing to launch its 3rd season this May.
This information provided to me courtesy of Sesame Workshop.