Mega Blok’s Blok Squad Fire Patrol Rescue Review

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Mega Blok's Blok Squad Fire Patrol Rescue Review


One thing my boys like to do is build, so when I was offered a review for the Mega Bloks Blok Squad Fire Patrol Rescue I quickly agreed! I love these kits even though they are a little too hard for my son because it gives him a chance to work on a project with dad. Geared for ages 5+ the Blok Squad Fire Patrol Rescue comes with two vehicles to build and two firefighters to put together! Not only do all boys loves fire engines and rescue hero type figures, this set also comes with little fire extinguishers, axes, and a water shooter too!
Mega Blok's Blok Squad Fire Patrol Rescue ReviewMega Blok's Blok Squad Fire Patrol Rescue Review
One thing we noticed right away was although the blocks needed to be pressed slightly harder than our Lego sets, they stayed together MUCH better! We have a Lego dump truck and it seems like if my boys just touch it it falls to pieces. Our fire engine and squad car did an awesome job of actually staying together – which surprised me because they had “special effects” like headlights, siren lights, side mirrors, etc.
minifigure firefighters


The next thing we noticed was that the directions were easier to understand. Instead of just having a picture diagram to follow, you can see below that there are shaded dots on the blocks where the pieces are supposed to be laid on. Even for us as adults this made it SO much easier to quickly follow the directions!!! This was a huge help for someone like me who enjoys building but can easily get confused with a zillion little blocks that all look the same!! 🙂
lego directions fire engine


The quality of this set is really good. I was very pleased with how sturdy the pieces were. Especially since some of the specialty pieces like the side mirrors and axes are not snapped into place, they are held into place with a little clip. The pieces do not fall out even while playing. I was definitely impressed with the quality and precision of this building set. Very nice for younger hands!
You can see below how the axe and hammer are held in by the little clips. My kids vroomed their fire engine all over the place and these pieces never came out – which is saying a lot! I couldn’t believe they actually stayed in place while my two and four year old boys were getting their “rescue hero” on!
Check out the firefighter in the front seat!! Even my husband was impressed with this kit. In fact he made the comment that whenever we do buy our kids building block sets when they are a little older he will definitely be buying the Mega Bloks brand! And the prices is VERY reasonable!
That is very inexpensive compared to other similar brands. To be honest when I looked at the price on my press release sheet I had to double check it online because I didn’t think it was actually that inexpensive!! I definitely recommend the Blok Squad – VERY durable and very reasonably priced!

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