Discover the Forest & Get YOUR Community OUTDOORS Contest

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You guys know I am a HUGE proponent of getting outside & enjoying nature so when I spotted this (awesome!) contest on Discover the Forest I just had to share it!

In an effort to get your community outdoors they have a #CommunityEscapeChallenge contest where you can submit YOUR idea on how to inspire your friends and neighbors to get outside and discover the great outdoors. Submit an idea by November 13 (noon Pacific Time), get your family and friends to vote for your idea between November 14-30th, and the project with the most votes wins $500 worth of airfare on Frontier Airlines and $1000 in grant funding to make their idea become a reality! (Open to US only) You can enter and find more details here.

There are SO many wonderful things to do outdoors no matter WHERE you live – inner city, country, rural, farm, etc. Look for your local botanical gardens, nature trails, state park, or just in your own backyard! We have found all sorts of creatures and interesting things just in our backyard! Everything from mushrooms, snails, cicadas, praying mantis’ and more! Most of your local recreation departments host events throughout the year so make sure to check and see what they have planned as well! Another thing our family does to get outdoors is geocaching! We have planned entire vacations and trips around geocaching with my most memorable being Niagara Falls and an abandoned cave mine in Canada!

There are not many entries so you have a great chance at winning! Head over to Discover the Forest to enter!

View our adventures in geocaching and geocaching with your kids / classroom!

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