British Museum Online Archeology Dig for Kids

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How fun! As a child I was obsessed with archaeology (did I say OBSESSED?!). I collected newspaper clippings, ordered magazines, checked out books, watched films, it was crazy. In fact I still have a huge notebook of information I collected on King Tut. I even went on several fossil digs! I dreamed of finding fossils and uncovering new civilizations….until I grew up and realized that I would have to major in History- and that just wasn’t my cup of tea! (I prefer science!) BUT I did go on several dinosaur fossil digs and still dream of taking week long vacations to volunteer in archaeological digs. If your child is anything like I was they will LOVE this virtual fossil dig for kids at the British Museum’s website where kids have a specific amount of time and equipment to find hidden objects. Once they have successfully uncovered the ancient remains they will then learn about what they have uncovered. If you have a child who loves to “dig” or are interested in fossils- have them try out The Great Dig at the British Museum!

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One Comment

  1. Three Boys and an Old Lady says:

    This would be perfect to keep the kiddos busy during summer and get a lil' History lesson as well. Kudos.


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