Back to School TAX FREE Shopping Dates by State

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back to school tax free shopping days

SAY IT AIN’T SO! I’m literally shaking my head that it’s already that time of year again! I SWEAR every year it’s earlier and earlier… this rate they might as run back to school deals all year round right?! TAX FREE shopping is soon to blast into the back to school season and below I’ve created a list of tax free shopping days for your listed by state. If I’ve missed one please let me know as I will try to keep this updated throughout the season!

ALABAMA– August 7-9 (clothing, supplies, computers, books)

ARKANSAS– August 1-2 (clothing, supplies)

COLORADO – none listed, only tax free for marijuana……..not kidding….

CONNECTICUT – August 16-22 (clothing, footwear)

FLORIDA – August 7-16 (clothing, footwear, supplies, computers)

GEORGIA – July 31 – August 1 (clothing, supplies, computers)

IOWA– August 7-8 (clothing)

LOUISIANA – August 7-8

MARYLAND– August 9-15 (clothing, footwear)

MISSISSIPPI– July 31-August 1 (clothing, footwear)

MISSOURI– August 7-9 (clothing, computers, supplies)

NEW MEXICO– August 7-9 (clothing, computers, supplies)

OHIO– August 7-9 (clothing, supplies, instructional materials)

OKLAHOMA– August 7-9 (clothing)

SOUTH CAROLINA– August 7-9 (clothing, computer, supplies)

TENNESSEE– August 7-9 (clothing, computer, supplies)

TEXAS– August 7-9 (clothing, backpacks, supplies)

VIRGINIA– August 7-9 (clothing, supplies)

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  1. Veronica Anderson says:

    Tax free weekend in IL?

  2. I don’t see New Jersey. Probably not a mistake on your part, just NJ being NJ, underappreciating their teachers!

  3. What about louisiana tax free?

    1. Louisiana’s is August 7-8

  4. Does California participate in these tax free shopping days?

  5. New Jersey is Missing.

  6. I dony see colorado or California on therr

  7. What about Kentucky?

  8. Nothing for WA. As usual, tax, pillage, and rape your taxpayers.

  9. what about Kentucky?

  10. West Virginia is not on there either.

  11. Patricia Sanborn says:

    California, Washington and Oregon are not listed. Will you list them, please.
    Thank you.

  12. There are so many “rules” that differ by state. In Iowa school supplies are not covered

  13. What about Michigan

  14. What about Michigan?

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