On a Road Trip To Colorado – Family is the BEST!
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Every year our family looks forward to summer because daddy is home from school, kids are out of school, and it just means more time together! Sunny days and plenty of time to play outside and stay up late. When we moved to Iowa last fall something special happened…….we were close enough to my sister and her family that we could take a 12 hour road trip in the summers to see their family. In the past we saw them about once every 4 years so our kids really didn’t get to know their cousins. We drove out to see them this past Thanksgiving and had such a fabulous time together. And this weekend – we’re headed to Colorado once again! And not just that but I’ll be celebrating my 30th birthday with my sister, the first time I’ve spent a birthday with her in 9 years!!!
Our van is packed full with snacks, bikes, gifts for the kids, movies, and even our bouncy house. Yeah, maybe we’re a little crazy, but we’re also incredibly excited! We’re spending a whole week with my sister’s family. Her husband is graduating from college. It is my birthday and our anniversary. And the kids all get to spend an entire week with their cousins like a huge endless slumber party! I am SUPER excited and what’s even more fun is that my sister and I will even be blogging together and working on a few projects this weekend too! We’ve already got a trip planned to the Royal Gorge which I’ve never been to and I am SO excited about going! I’ll share plenty of photos too! It looks like an amazing experience and will definitely be a highlight of our visit.
Don’t worry! My great assistant Brittany will keep up with the money saving deals and we’ll be working on a few other projects throughout the next week so don’t go too far! 🙂 Enjoy your summer everyone!