Evan Moor Fundraiser
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Evan-Moor’s Daily Summer Activities fundraiser helps schools earn money toward classroom resources, while giving parents the opportunity to implement summer enrichment at home, keeping young learners’ skills sharp, even when school is out.
Here is how it works:
· Schools sign up to participate in the program, and then distribute an order form to parents;
· Parents then can buy Daily Summer Activities books ($12.99) to help prevent regression during summer months;
· The school submits the order form, and then earns $4 cash or $8 in Evan-Moor credit per book sold ($2 cash and $4 credit, if less than 50 books are sold).
Here is a copy of the press release:
Evan-Moor Announces Daily Summer Activities Fundraiser for Schools
Schools can earn money while preventing the summer slide
MONTEREY, CA (March 1, 2012)— Decades of research confirms what every teacher knows: students’ performance decreases at the beginning of the school year without educational learning opportunities during the summer (www.summerlearning.org). To prevent this summer-time regression, Evan-Moor Educational Publishers developedDaily Summer Activities for grades PreK–8, and today announced a corresponding fundraiser to help schools earn money for every summer enrichment book sold.
An easy fundraising opportunity, a participating school will receive $4 in cash or $8 in Evan-Moor credit for every Daily Summer Activities book sold from March 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012. Plus, students will benefit directly from the focused, fun activities that cover grade-appropriate skills in all the main subject areas, including reading, math, spelling, handwriting, creative writing, and geography.
Use It or Lose It
Teacher-developed, Daily Summer Activities was created in response to parents looking for a quality resource to offer their children for summer enrichment. Research shows that students can lose more than 50% of what they’ve learned during the summer months. Each Daily Summer Activities book contains 100+ exercises, and by completing just two activities a day, five days a week, students learn the essential concepts and skills that will enable them to make a smooth transition to the next grade level.
A Win-Win Fundraising Opportunity
Each Daily Summer Activities title has 144 full-color pages and is only $12.99. The series includes nine levels for students in grades PreK–8. Schools interested in participating in the fundraiser can register online at www.evan-moor.com/fundraiser. (Minimum order is 50 books. Orders below 50 books will earn $2 in cash or $4 in Evan-Moor credit per book sold.)